“The experts have spoken and we’re seriously taking their advice that sticking close to home, and limiting exposure to other people will help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. At the same time, it’s been sad to have to postpone gigs in Toronto and around the world. But just because we’re now in a time of “social distancing”, doesn’t mean we can’t hang out, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do this Tuesday!
Where, you ask?
Choir! Choir! Choir!’s FaceBook page!
“Choir!ntine” – An EPIC Social Distan-Sing-Along!
Starting at 8pm EST, DaBu will broadcast from their living room and everyone is invited to log on and sing with us. And just like our shows, we’ll hang out, share some laughs and hold our C!ommunity close. Whether you’ve ever come out to Choir! or not, you are invited to join us online.
Here’s what you’ll need to have/do:
-A couple screens close by (e.g. laptop, tablet, phone).
-Download the lyrics included in this invite
-Be ready to sing!
Pretty simple, actually.
Also, you don’t need any special gear. It’s just you, singing in front of your computer/phone. You will be able to comment and chat with us but we obviously won’t be able to see you!
We still recommend you wear clothing!
Here’s the list of songs we will definitely be singing:
-Stand By Me
-You’ve Got A Friend
-Space Oddity
-Wish You Were Here
-Lean On Me
-With A Little Help From My Friends
-Friends (Theme Song)
Here’s a google drive link to the folder with PDFs of all the lyrics for you to download or print off beforehand.”
For more information, please visit the event page.
-from Choir! Choir! Choir!