“Come one come all!! We are doing a community art build in Toronto this weekend in partnership with 350.org. Our goal is to make 1,000 banners, a few 40ft banners, and a herd of buffalo to send out to water and land defense actions in North America including some new designs specifically to send to the west coast for the Kinder Morgan resistance.
Bring yourself, some old clothes you don’t care if they get paint on, and if you are up to it, coffee, snacks & food! We will potluck it or pitch in for pizzas or both 🙂
Dec 9, 2pm – 7pm
Dec 10 & 11, 10am – 8pm.
163 Sterling Road, Unit 2”
-from Onaman Collective Facebook
Read Onaman Collective’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map
Good afternoon,
I would like to find out if I could purchase a couple of banners. I live in Florida, and now we are facing a pipeline coming through Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
Hello Diane,
I’d recommend getting in touch with the Onaman Collective directly, their contact information can be found here: http://onamancollective.com/contact/