The next two instalments in ArtBridges’ Community Arts 101 audio series come from BluePrintForLife‘s Stephen Leafloor, a social worker and b-boy since 1982. Founded in 2006, the company’s mandate is to use “Hiphop as both a community development tool and as a model for alternative education and healing… [it] offers dynamic, culturally appropriate programs designed for First Nations and Inuit youth that are founded on Hiphop, rooted in traditional culture, and centered on community needs.”

Stephen “Buddha” Leafloor, BluePrintForLife
“BluePrintForLife founder, Stephen Leafloor has a Masters in Social Work (MSW degree) and over 25 years experience as a social worker in the areas of probation, wilderness programs, and street work with youth at risk, residential group homes, child protection and community outreach.”
For more information about BluePrint, visit or read their profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map.
With funding support from the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, we are producing a short introductory Community Arts video. With the help of videographer and filmmaker Andrea Dorfman from Halifax, we have produced a video for people who would like to know what “community arts” “community-engaged arts” & “arts for social change” are about.
During the videomaking process we’ve unfortunately had to cut a lot of great contributions from the video, but we still want these voices to be heard! We are starting an audio series on our blog that will feature voices from different initiatives that lent their voices. Please look forward to hear what they have to say about community arts and what is means to them.
If you’d like to add your voice, please contact us at!
Click to hear previous voices from ArtBridges’ Community Arts 101 Audio Series.
-compiled by Lisa Tran, Content Coordinator