ArtBridges has pulled together this guide to funding programs across Canada to make it a little easier for groups who are looking for new funding sources. Because funding programs can change, this guide is only a starting point. Please be sure to contact each funder directly to get full details on a program – eligibility, deadlines, and details can change from year to year. In some cases, a funder offers more programs than we have listed here, so it’s always a good idea to check with them directly to see if you are eligible for any other programs or supports. Funding program descriptions were created by each organization, and may be condensed due to space limitations.
This guide is updated on an ongoing basis. As we learn about programs, we will add them to the list. If you know about a program that should be listed here, or notice any broken links, please reach out to
Helpful starter tips and tools on grants, sponsorships and fundraising from ArtBridges Community Partners and others. It’s a good idea to check with the funder for deadlines, tips or guidelines before applying.
Grant Writing Toolkit | ACI Manitoba
Building Corporate Relationships: A toolkit for nonprofits | Alberta Culture
Grantwriting 101 Toolkit | ArtReach
Arts Administration Practical Guide for Community-Engaged Artists | Arts & Health Project
Preparing Effective Support Material for Visual Arts and Craft Grant Applications | Améliorer l’efficacité du matériel d’appui en arts visuels et en métiers d’art | Conseil des arts de l’Ontario / Ontario Arts Council
Preparing a Grant Application | Préparer Une Demande De Subvention | Conseil des Arts du Canada / Canada Council for the Arts
Sponsorship Marketing with Lorraine Patterson | Culture Days
Grants Connect | Imagine Canada
Échanges coopératifs entre artistes des Peuples autochtones: Subventions de projets nationaux et internationaux | Aboriginal Peoples Collaborative Exchange: National and International Project Grants | Conseil des Arts du Canada / Canada Council for the Arts
Le programme Échanges coopératifs entre artistes des Peuples autochtones aide les artistes autochtones à se rendre dans d’autres communautés autochtones pour collaborer à des projets de pratiques artistiques traditionnelles ou contemporaines. Il s’agit d’un programme multidisciplinaire qui est ouvert aux artistes individuels ainsi qu’aux groupes, aux collectifs et aux organismes artistiques autochtones. Le programme encourage les milieux sociaux et communautaires qui soutiennent le développement des arts et des pratiques artistiques autochtones. Il vise à favoriser l’établissement de rapports et de réseaux artistiques uniques entre les artistes autochtones de toutes les disciplines au moyen d’échanges de collaboration entre nations.
The Aboriginal Peoples Collaborative Exchange (APCE) program provides support for Aboriginal artists to travel to other Aboriginal communities to collaborate in a traditional or contemporary artistic practice. This is a multidisciplinary program that is open to individual Aboriginal artists, arts groups, artists’ collectives and arts organizations. The program encourages social and community environments that support the development of Aboriginal arts and artistic practices. It aims to foster unique artistic relationships and networks through inter-nation collaborative exchanges among Aboriginal artists, across all disciplines.
Contact Noel Habel | | 613.566.4414
Initiative des Langues Autochtones | Aboriginal Languages Initiative | Ministère du Patrimoine Canadien / Department of Canadian Heritage
Le volet Initiative des langues autochtones (ILA) du Programme des Autochtones appuie la préservation et la revitalisation des langues autochtones par le biais de projets et d’activités communautaires.
Contact Ministère du Patrimoine Canadien | Programme des Autochtones |
The Aboriginal Peoples’ Program – Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) supports the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages through community-based projects and activities.
Contact Department of Canadian Heritage Aboriginal Peoples’ Program | | 819.994.3835
Subventions du Conseil des Arts du Canada | Canada Council Grants | Conseil des Arts du Canada / Canada Council for the Arts
Le Conseil des Arts du Canada offre un large choix de subventions et services aux artistes professionnels, groupes et organismes de musique, theatre, écriture et edition, arts visuels, danse, arts médiatiques et multidisciplinaires. Contact Renseignements sur les programmes | 1-800-263-5588 ou au 613-566-4414, poste 5060
The Canada Council offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in music, theatre, writing and publishing, visual arts, dance, media arts and integrated (multidisciplinary) arts. It also seeks to raise public awareness of the arts through its communications, research and arts promotion activities.C
Contact Program Enquiries | 1-800 263-5588 |
ChangeUp Grants | Inspirit Foundation
ChangeUp grants create opportunities for young people aged 18 to 34 to initiate creative solutions-based projects that address issues of discrimination and prejudice in their local communities. Successful applicants will receive $10,000 towards project costs. While we place an emphasis on media and arts for change projects, we welcome a wide-range of exploratory ideas, which will open minds and shift attitudes that perpetuate prejudice and exclusion based on ethnicity, race, or religion. Example projects may include a digital media project challenging stereotypes about Muslim women through the sharing of personal stories, mixed-media portraits, and online conversation circles; a film and discussion series featuring a diverse range of local media makers exploring spirituality and social change; Indigenous and non-Indigenous media makers leading virtual mapping workshops uncovering Indigenous landmarks and place-based stories; A local human library series that brings together people from different cultural backgrounds to learn about each other and challenge prevailing stereotypes.
Call Chris Lee at 416 644 3600 ext. 8 or email
Fonds d’Action Culturelle Communautaire | Community Cultural Action Fund | Ministere du Patrimoine Canadien / Department of Canadian Heritage
Les objectifs du Fonds d’action culturelle communautaire sont: appuyer et renforcer l’action culturelle, artistique et patrimoniale des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire; assurer le rayonnement de la richesse et de la diversité de l’expression culturelle, artistique et patrimoniale des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire.
Les investissements, de portée ou d’envergure nationale, interprovinciale/interterritoriale, provinciale/territoriale, régionale ou locale, seront faits directement auprès des organismes sous la forme de contributions ou de subventions. Les investissements pour les projets menés par les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux et leurs créations seront faits par le truchement d’ententes de collaboration fédérale-provinciale/territoriale.
Aux fins du programme, l’action culturelle, artistique ou patrimoniale et le rayonnement se définissent comme suit: Action culturelle ou artistique : participation active des membres des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire à des activités reliées aux arts et à la culture. Action patrimoniale : mise en valeur du patrimoine des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire par le biais d’activités artistiques ou culturelles qui impliquent la participation de la communauté ciblée. Rayonnement : rayonnement accru de l’expression artistique et culturelle des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire et accroissement de la visibilité.
Pour toute demande de renseignements ou pour déposer une demande, les organismes et institutions doivent communiquer avec le responsable des Programmes d’appui aux langues officielles du Bureau de Patrimoine Canadien de leur région s’il s’agit d’un projet à caractère local, provincial ou territorial, interprovincial ou interterritorial.
Pour les projets de portée pancanadienne, les demandeurs doivent communiquer avec la Direction générale des langues officielles de Patrimoine canadien en téléphonant au 819-994-2222.
The objectives of the Community Cultural Action Fund (CCAF) are to: support and strengthen the cultural, artistic and heritage actions of official-language minority communities; ensure outreach of the wealth and diverse cultural, artistic and heritage expressions of official-language minority communities.
National, interprovincial/interterritorial, provincial/territorial, regional or local contributions will be made directly to organizations in the form of contributions or grants. Investments for projects conducted by provincial and territorial governments and their creations will be made through federal-provincial/territorial cooperation agreements.
For the purposes of the program, actions in the areas of culture, arts and heritage and outreach are defined as follows: action in the areas of culture and arts: active participation of members of official-language minority communities in artistic and cultural activities; action in the area of heritage: presentation of the heritage of official-language minority communities through artistic or cultural activities that involve the participation of the targeted community; outreach: increase in the visible presence of official-language minority communities’ arts and culture and increased visibility.
For more information or to submit an application, organizations and institutions must contact the Official Languages Support Programs in their local Canadian Heritage office, whether the project is local, provincial, territorial, interprovincial, or interterritorial.Applications for funding for pan-Canadian projects must contact the Official Languages Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage at 819-994-2222.
Contact your local Canadian Heritage office (local projects) | 819.994.2222 (pan-Canadian projects)
Stratégie d’accès aux marchés pour les artistes et les organismes artistiques des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire | Market Access Strategy for Official Language Minority Artists and Arts Organizations | Conseil des Arts du Canada / Canada Council for the Arts
Le Conseil des arts a constitué un fonds spécial pour le financement de projets proposés par les artistes et les organismes des communautés minoritaires de langue officielle qui contribueront à la réalisation des objectifs de la Stratégie d’accès aux marchés. Le Conseil peut aussi s’associer à des partenaires pour la réalisation de projets d’accès aux marchés qui démontrent un fort potentiel pour l’obtention de résultats durables, mais qui ne cadrent pas dans les programmes de subventions existants. De plus, le Conseil peut développer des services destinés aux communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire.
The Canada Council has established a special fund to finance projects proposed by official language minority artists and arts organizations that meet the objectives of the Market Access Strategy. The Council can also work with partners on market access projects that show a strong potential for lasting results, but do not fall within the existing grant programs. As well, the Council can develop services geared to official language minority communities..
Contact Carole Boucher | | 613.566.4414 ext. 4507
Programme Développement des Communautés de Langue Officielle | Development of Official-Language Communities Program | Ministere de Patrimoine Canadien / Canadian Heritage
Les objectifs du volet Vie communautaire du programme Développement des communautés de langue officielle sont: de favoriser la réalisation d’activités et de projets visant à assurer le développement à long terme des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire dans des secteurs prioritaires; de contribuer à élargir et à diversifier l’éventail de partenaires qui collaborent au développement des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (anglophones au Québec et francophones hors Québec); de contribuer à l’accroissement du caractère inclusif des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire; d’aider les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux, ainsi que leurs créations, à favoriser le développement des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire en leur fournissant, conformément aux priorités de développement identifiées par les communautés, des services en anglais au Québec et en français hors Québec, y compris les infrastructures nécessaires pour ce faire.
The objectives of the Community Life component of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program are: to foster the implementation of activities and projects that ensure the long-term development of official-language minority communities in key sectors; to help expand and diversify the range of partners working together towards the development of official-language minority communities (Anglophones in Quebec and Francophones outside Quebec); to help make official-language minority communities more inclusive; to help provincial and territorial governments and their creations foster the growth of official-language minority communities by providing them with, in accordance with the development priorities identified by the communities, services in English in Quebec and in French outside Quebec, as well as the necessary infrastructure to provide these services.
Contact | 819-994-2222 or 1-866-811-0055
Subventions McConnell | McConnell Foundation Grants | J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
La raison d’être de la fondation est de renforcer la capacité du Canada de relever des défis complexes sur le plan social, économique et environnemental. Les moyens utilisés pour ce faire sont l’élaboration, le testage et l’application d’approches et de solutions novatrices; le renforcement du secteur communautaire; et la collaboration avec des partenaires de la communauté et des secteurs public et privé. Pour produire un changement durable, nous savons qu’il faut du temps et plus que de simples subventions. C’est pourquoi nous réalisons d’autres types d’activités dans nos secteurs d’intérêt: développement du leadership, soutien de la création et de la diffusion du savoir et, plus récemment, investissements liés à des programmes. Si vous souhaitez faire une demande de subvention, veuillez consulter la page suivante . La fondation ne répond pas aux demandes de subventions formulées par courriel.
The Foundation’s purpose is to bolster Canada’s ability to address complex social, environmental and economic challenges. We accomplish this by developing, testing and applying innovative approaches and solutions; by strengthening the community sector; and by collaborating with partners in the community, private and public sectors. We recognize that creating enduring change takes time, and involves more than granting. In our areas of focus, we also carry out leadership development, support knowledge creation and dissemination, and more recently, make program-related investments. As a national funder in Canada, our focus is on projects and initiatives that extend to all regions of the country, or that address issues from a national perspective. In considering new proposals we ask: what impact will this have on communities across Canada? If you wish to apply for funds, please read the Granting section first. The Foundation does not respond to emailed funding requests.
Contact The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation | | 514-288-2133
Les Jeunes S’Engagent | Youth Take Charge | Ministère du Patrimoine Canadien / Department of Canadian Heritage
Par le biais de partenariats avec des organismes au service de la jeunesse, le programme Les jeunes s’engagent appuie des projets qui démontrent la capacité de renforcer le sentiment d’appartenance des jeunes au Canada en abordant l’un ou plusieurs des quatre domaines thématiques suivants: histoire et patrimoine, engagement civique et service des jeunes, arts et culture, activités économiques.
The Youth Take Charge Program supports projects that exemplify an ability to strengthen youth attachment to Canada in the following thematic areas; history and heritage; civic engagement and youth service; arts and culture; economic activities.
Contact | 819-997-0055 or 1-866-811-0055
L’Awesome Foundation | The Awesome Foundation | Canada-Wide
La Fondation distribue chaque mois une série de bourses de 1.000€ à des projets et à leurs créateurs. L’argent est fourni par les fonds personnels d’une dizaine de “micro-donateurs”, puis donné en cash, chèque ou de doublons d’or. Les chapitres sont autonomes et gérés par les donateurs en fonction de leur zone géographique ou centres d’intérêts. La Fondation donne ces bourses sans aucune contrepartie cachée et ne demande aucun droit de propriété sur les projets qu’elle soutient. Il s’agit, d’après les mots de l’un de nos donateurs, d’une bourse de micro-génie pour des flashs de micro-brillance.
Contact | liste des chapitres ici:
The Foundation distributes a series of monthly $1,000 grants to projects and their creators. The money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees” and given upfront in cash, check, or gold doubloons. The chapters are autonomous and organized by the trustees around geographic areas or topics of interest. The Foundation provides these grants with no strings attached and claims no ownership over the projects it supports.Contact listing of local chapters is available at
Inter-Action: Le Programme de Subventions et de Contributions pour le Multiculturalisme | Inter-Action: Multiculturalism Grants | Citizenship and Immigration Canada / Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
Inter-Action: le Programme de subventions et de contributions pour le multiculturalisme du Canada, est administré par Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada. Ce programme appuie le mandat du Ministère et la Loi sur le multiculturalisme canadien en favorisant l’intégration socioéconomique des personnes et des collectivités et en les aidant à contribuer à la création d’une société intégrée et cohésive sur le plan social. Le Programme Inter-Action comprend deux volets : Projets et Activités. Le volet Activités d’Inter-Action offre du financement pour des activités et des événements communautaires qui favorisent au moins l’un des éléments suivants: la compréhension interculturelle et interconfessionnelle; la commémoration et la fierté civiques; le respect des valeurs démocratiques fondamentales. L’intention est de créer des occasions concrètes de rapports entre les collectivités de cultures et de religions différentes. Les activités et les événements doivent s’adresser et être ouverts à tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes.
Inter-Action, Canada’s Multiculturalism Grants and Contribution Program, is administered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
The Program supports CIC’s mandate and the Canadian Multiculturalism Act by assisting the socio-economic integration of individuals and communities and their contributions to building an integrated and socially cohesive society. There are two Inter-Action funding streams: Projects and Events. The Inter-Action Events stream provides funding to community based events that foster one or more of the following: intercultural/interfaith understanding; civic memory and pride; respect for core democratic values
The Inter-Action Projects stream provides funding for long-term, multi-year community development and engagement projects, with the aim of fostering an integrated, socially-cohesive society.
Programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les Seniors | New Horizons for Seniors Program | Emploi et Développement Social Canada / Employment and Social Development Canada
Les organismes qui souhaitent aider les aînés à avoir une influence positive sur la vie des autres et sur leur collectivité sont admissibles à des subventions et des contributions fédérales. Ils doivent proposer des projets dirigés ou inspirés par des aînés et visant à répondre à au moins un des cinq objectifs du programme: Promouvoir le bénévolat chez les aînés et les membres des autres générations; Inciter les aînés à participer à la vie de leur collectivité en encadrant d’autres personnes; Accroître la sensibilisation aux mauvais traitements envers les aînés, y compris l’exploitation financière; Appuyer la participation et l’inclusion sociales des aînés; Fournir une aide à l’immobilisation pour les projets et programmes communautaires, nouveaux ou existants destinés aux aînés.
Organizations that want to help seniors make a difference in the lives of others, and in their communities, are eligible to receive federal grants and contributions funding. Projects must be led or inspired by seniors and address one or more of the following five program objectives: promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations; engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others; expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse; supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors; and providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.
Fondation J. Armand Bombardier (fr) | Fondation J. Armand Bombardier (en)
Deux objectifs transcendent les lignes directrices spécifiques aux différents secteurs: Contribuer au développement des communautés, des organisations et des individus en appuyant des organismes et des projets qui favorisent le développement des capacités et la dignité des personnes, et Favoriser l’innovation sociale, tant dans les processus de gestion que dans les projets, dans une perspective de transformation sociale. Nous portons une attention spéciale aux organismes et aux projets qui visent l’autonomie et la prise en main des gens et des organisations, dans le respect de leurs capacités et de leur réalité. Nous privilégions également les initiatives qui permettent le développement des connaissances et du savoir, individuel ou collectif. La Fondation peut uniquement verser des dons à des organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés auprès de l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC).
Two objectives transcend the guidelines specific to the different sectors: Contribute to the development of communities, organization and individuals by supporting organizations and projects that foster capacity-building and human dignity. We pay special attention to applicants and projects that promote the autonomy and empowerment of individuals and organizations, in respect for their capabilities and their reality. We also give preference to initiatives that enable the development of individual or collective knowledge and knowhow. [We] encourage social innovation, both in management processes and in projects, with a perspective of social transformation. Under the Income Tax Act, the Foundation can only make donations to charities registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Contact | 514.876.4555
TELUS Community Board
There are 11 Canadian TELUS Community Boards and three International Boards that provide funding to local grassroots organizations in major centres where TELUS operates. Our Community Boards are located in Victoria, Vancouver, Thompson Okanagan, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Rimouski, Quebec City, Atlantic Canada. We fund programs that best meet our vision and clearly demonstrate: focus on youth; aligns with our interest in either health, education or the environment; demonstrates technological innovation in program delivery; defines and measures social outcomes.
Contact your local Community Board. Listing is online at
Demande de Commandité pour les Evénements Communautaires et les Commandités de Marque | Brand Sponsorship and Community Events| Loto Atlantique / Atlantic Lottery
Notre programme de commandite nous permet d’être impliqués dans certaines causes et certains événements importants aux yeux des Canadiens de l’Atlantique. Malgré le fait qu’il nous est impossible d’accepter toutes les demandes, chaque année, nous travaillons en partenariat avec de nombreuses organisations qui partagent notre désir de faire du Canada atlantique un meilleur endroit pour vivre et de célébrer le lieu où nous vivons. Pensez aux événements ou aux festivals locaux avec de la nourriture, du divertissement et de l’amusement pour toute la famille. Les célébrations communautaires nous permettent de faire l’expérience de ce qui est unique au Canada atlantique. Au moment opportun, nous serons présents et sauterons sur l’occasion pour aider à la célébration.
Our sponsorship program lets us be involved in some of the causes and events that matter to Atlantic Canadians. While it’s impossible to accept every request, each year we partner with numerous organizations who share our desire to make Atlantic Canada a better place and celebrate where we live. The events where communities come together. Think local festivals or events featuring food, entertainment and family fun. Community celebrations let us experience all that is uniquely Atlantic Canadian. When the fit is right, we’ll be there, jumping in to help celebrate.
Contact 1.800.561.3942
4Cs Grants | 4Cs Foundation | Halifax
The 4Cs Foundation supports community-led art-based projects that focus on fostering connections between children and others in their community. Currently, the 4Cs Foundation’s grant-giving focus is transitioning from project-based grants. We have begun to work directly with organizations in Halifax whose goals, values and work aligns with those of the 4Cs Foundation to build their capacity and sustainabilty. The funding focus change will be gradual. As we transition, we continue to consider applications for project funding for 2016. The criteria for project funding remains the same. Your project must have as a stated goal, and must demonstrate in the work plan, the intention to bring children together with other people from their community to work side-by-side for the duration of the project in a way that fosters connections and relationship building, while creating a community artwork or artworks. Please note that we do not fund individual artists or events (including art activities at an event or festival); we no longer support one time projects; funding for Neighbourhood Intersection Painting was suspended March 2015 due to changes in the Halifax Community Arts program.
Contact Terri Whetstone | | 902.422.4805
HRM Community Grants | Halifax Regional Municipality
The HRM Community Grants Program is being revised for 2017. Please check with HRM in December 2016. The program opens in January and closes in March each year.
Contact Peta-Jane Temple or Peter Greechan | 902.490.5469 or 902.490.7310
Culture and Youth Activities Program | Province of Nova Scotia
The Cultural and Youth Activities Program helps to build communities by fostering an appreciation for the arts; by introducing youth to artistic and cultural activity and to professional artists; and by creating links between exposure to the arts and audience development.Placing an emphasis on activities that integrate the arts into community life and facilitate lifelong learning among residents, examples of events that the program supports include: performing arts festivals or competitions, community cultural events or projects and cultural workshops.
Contact Jessica Peddle | 902.424.6397
Partenariat pour Activités Culturelles Communautaires | Partnership for Community Cultural Activities | Government of New Brunswick
Le programme appui les projets qui favorisent le développement d’un auditoire plus varié en ce qui a trait aux activités artistiques, assurant ainsi le dynamisme de la communauté artistique au Nouveau-Brunswick tant sur le plan de la créativité que de la création. Niveau de financement: Jusqu’à concurrence de 5 000$ par projet. Admissibilité: Organismes (communautaires ou provinciaux) artistiques sans but lucratif qui encouragent, font connaître, présentent, organisent ou montent des activités artistiques dans la collectivité et qui opèrent en tant qu’entreprises canadiennes détenues et contrôlées par des résidents du Nouveau-Brunswick. Les municipalités et les Premières Nations dotées d’une politique culturelle.
Contact Développement Culturel
The program supports projects that will enable the growth of a more diverse audience to arts activities, and thus ensure a more vibrant, creative and active arts community in New Brunswick. Level of Funding: Up to $5,000 per project. Eligibility: Non-profit arts organizations (provincial or community based) that encourage, promote, present, organize, or develop arts activities in the communities) and that operate as a Canadian company held and controlled by New Brunswick residents. Municipalities and First Nations with a cultural policy. Updated 16/10/2014
Contact New Brunswick Cultural Development |
Community Arts Program | Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council | NFLB
The Community Arts Program (CAP) is available to community-based arts organizations and groups. The program funds projects related to arts workshops, presentations, productions, new creations, adjudicator fees, artist fees, and travel costs. This program is open to all artistic disciplines served by the NLAC (dance, film, multidiscipline, music, theatre, visual arts, writing). First time applicants must have been active in Newfoundland and Labrador for a minimum of one year at the time of application. Must have actively engaged in community-based arts activities within the last year. Please note that the Community Arts Program funds only community based arts groups or community based not for profit arts organizations, not individual artists.
Contact Ken Murphy | Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council | | 709.726.2212 x 205
School Touring Program | Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council | NFLB
The School Touring Program (STP) is available to professional artists, groups and not-for-profit arts organizations to support significant touring productions to schools throughout the province. Offered in partnership with the Department of Education through its Cultural Connections Strategy, the program provides students with direct access to high quality artistic experiences. The program covers touring costs only (i.e. travel, accommodation, per diems, artist and technician fees, tour administration, royalties, and limited rehearsal). Please note that this program will only fund professional artists, professional arts groups and professional not for profit arts organizations; community-based arts groups or organizations cannot apply to this program. For more information please contact the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council.
Contact Katrina Rice | Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council | | 709.726.2212
CFPEI Grants | Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island
The Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island (CFPEI) is committed to improving the quality of life on Prince Edward Island by granting funds directed toward a wide range of community interests. It currently administers more than 60 funds that support a wide range of initiatives across the PEI. Some of these areas have included; arts and heritage, environment, education, health, poverty reduction, community/social needs and urban and rural beautification.
Contact 1.800.566.7307 or 902.892.3440 |
Soutien aux Artistes et Ecrivains Professionnels Autochtones | Support for Aboriginal Professional Artists and Writers | Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Montreal
Ce volet s’adresse exclusivement aux artistes ou aux écrivains issus des communautés autochtones suivantes: Abénaquis, Algonquins, Attikameks, Cris, Malécites, Micmacs, Innus, Naskapis, Hurons-Wendats, Mohawks et Inuits de la région administrative de Montréal. Sont admissibles uniquement les artistes et les écrivains ainsi les collectifs d’artistes ou d’écrivains professionnels autochtones oeuvrant dans les domaines suivants: arts du cirque, arts médiatiques, arts multidisciplinaires, arts numériques, arts visuels, chanson, conte, danse, littérature, métiers d’art, musique, recherche architecturale et théâtre. Ces pratiques peuvent être reliées aux arts traditionnels ou aux pratiques contemporaines.
Les projets soumis dans le cadre de ce volet doivent répondre à au moins un des objectifs spécifiques suivants: Soutenir les initiatives et les projets artistiques qui mettent en perspective l’affirmation d’une identité autochtone diversifiée; Contribuer au développement artistique et à la diffusion des artistes et des écrivains autochtones; Encourager la réalisation de projets favorisant l’accès du grand public aux oeuvres et aux productions artistiques réalisées par des autochtones; Encourager la production et le rayonnement d’oeuvres et d’activités artistiques contemporaines autochtones; Encourager la réalisation de projets de création et de diffusion impliquant l’exploration des ressources numériques et des technologies de pointe.
Intended solely for artists and writers from the Abenaki, Algonquin, Attikamek, Cree, Malecite, Mi’kmaq, Innu, Naskapi, Huron-Wendat, Mohawk and Inuit Aboriginal communities in the Montréal area. Eligibility is restricted to Aboriginal professional artists and writers and artists’ and writers’ groups working in the following artistic fields: architectural research, arts and crafts, circus arts, dance, digital arts, literature, media arts, multidisciplinary arts, music, storytelling, visual arts, popular song, and theatre. These practices can be related to traditional arts or contemporary practices.
Projects submitted under this section heading must comply with at least one of the following specific objectives: support artistic initiatives and projects that place the affirmation of a diversified aboriginal identity in perspective; contribute to the artistic development of aboriginal artists and writers and the dissemination of their works; encourage the realization of projects that foster access by the general public to the artistic works and productions of aboriginal artists and writers; encourage the production and dissemination of contemporary aboriginal artistic works and activities; encourage the production and dissemination of artistic projects that explore the use of digital resources and leading edge technologies.
Contact Lyne Lanthier | | 514 864-3350
Organismes de Création et de Production en Arts Multidisciplinaires | Multidisciplinary Arts | Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Montreal
Ce soutien s’adresse aux organismes professionnels de création et de production des arts multidisciplinaires ainsi qu’aux collectifs d’artistes et aux artistes qui créent, produisent et diffusent des spectacles sur une base ponctuelle. Les arts multidisciplinaires regroupent des formes d’expression qui exploitent plusieurs langages disciplinaires, connaissances et techniques dans une même oeuvre et dont la pratique, le processus de création et le discours artistique sont autonomes et distincts des champs disciplinaires auxquels ils puisent. Les oeuvres qui en résultent peuvent être associées aux arts scéniques, à l’art engagé, aux collaborations entre la science et l’art, à l’art environnemental, à l’art urbain, à l’art dans son rapport aux technologies nouvelles et numériques. La pratique des arts multidisciplinaires peut également proposer différents rapports au public, à titre d’exemple : présentation dans des espaces non conventionnels, parcours déambulatoire, public participatif. L’organisme est reconnu “producteur” lorsqu’il assume la direction artistique ainsi que les coûts de conception, de répétition et de réalisation des spectacles. Pour être admissible, le demandeur doit répondre aux conditions générales d’admissibilité telles que définies dans les Renseignements généraux concernant le soutien aux projets. De plus, l’organisme doit faire appel à des artistes professionnels.Par ailleurs, un collectif d’artistes constitué en majeure partie des mêmes personnes qui oeuvrent au sein d’un autre collectif d’artistes ou d’un organisme demandeur ne peut déposer plus d’une demande de subvention par année.
The multidisciplinary arts encompass forms of expression that make use of an array of disciplinary languages, knowledge and techniques in a given work and in respect of which practice, the process of creation and artistic discourse are autonomous and separate from the disciplines from which they stem. The resulting works can be associated with the performing arts, socially-engaged art, collaboration between science and art, environmental art, urban art, and art in relation to the new technologies and digital technologies. The practice of the multidisciplinary arts can also suggest different relationships with the public, e.g. presentation in unconventional spaces, an ambulatory approach, and a participatory public
Contact | 514 864-3350 or 1 800 608-3350
Vivacité Montréal | Vivacité Montréal (en) | Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Montreal
Sont admissibles exclusivement les artistes et les écrivains ainsi que les collectifs d’artistes ou d’écrivains professionnels, issus de la diversité culturelle de Montréal, oeuvrant dans les domaines suivants : arts du cirque, arts médiatiques, arts numériques, arts multidisciplinaires, arts visuels, chanson, conte, danse, littérature, métiers d’art, musique, recherche architecturale et théâtre. Seuls les candidats n’ayant jamais reçu de bourse du CALQ, excluant les bourses de déplacement ou une bourse accordée dans le cadre de Vivacité Montréal, sont toutefois admissibles. Tout candidat qui présente une demande doit être citoyen canadien ou résident permanent au sens de l’article 2 (1) de la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés. Dans les deux cas, il doit résider habituellement au Québec et résider dans la région de Montréal depuis au moins 12 mois. De plus, il doit satisfaire à l’un ou l’autre des critères suivants: Être un artiste ou un écrivain professionnel immigrant, c’est-à-dire issu de l’immigration récente (moins de cinq ans), né ailleurs qu’au Québec et au Canada; Appartenir à une minorité visible, c’est-à-dire être d’ascendance africaine, asiatique, moyen-orientale, latino-américaine ou d’origine mixte – origine mixte signifiant que ses origines comprennent au moins l’un des groupes mentionnés aux présentes: Les projets soumis doivent répondre au moins à un des objectifs suivants: Soutenir des projets artistiques qui contribuent à la professionnalisation des créateurs issus de l’immigration et des minorités visibles; Encourager les initiatives artistiques et littéraires réalisées en collaboration avec les milieux artistiques professionnels de la région de Montréal; Encourager la réalisation de projets favorisant l’accès du public montréalais aux oeuvres et aux productions artistiques issues de la relève.
Projects submitted must fulfill at least one of the following objectives: support artistic projects that contribute to the professional development of artists who are recent immigrants or are members of a visible minority community; encourage artistic and literary initiatives carried out in collaboration with professional artistic environments in the Montréal region; encourage the realization of projects that foster access for Montrealers to artistic works and productions from the up-and-coming generation of artists. Eligibility is restricted to professional artists and writers and artists’ and writers’ groups representative of Montréal’s cultural diversity, who have never received a grant from the CALQ and working in the following artistic fields: circus arts, digital arts, cinema and video, multidisciplinary arts, visual arts, popular song, storytelling, dance, literature, arts and crafts, music, architectural research and theatre. Moreover, to be eligible, applicants must satisfy either of the following criteria: be a professional immigrant artist or writer, i.e. have immigrated less than five years ago and have been born outside Québec and Canada; be a member of a visible minority community, i.e. of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American or mixed racial heritage. Mixed racial heritage means belonging to one or more of the above groups.
Contact info @ | 514 864-3350 or 1 800 608-3350
Fondation RBA Groupe Financier | RBA Financial Group Foundation | Quebec
La Fondation RBA a pour mission d’apporter une contribution au mieux-être des Premières Nations. Entre autres, elle vise à: Appuyer les différentes initiatives sociales et communautaires autochtones visant à améliorer les conditions de vie et le mieux-être des communautés autochtones notamment des jeunes, des femmes et des aînés; Permettre et favoriser le développement et le renforcement de programmes de sensibilisation et d’intervention conçus par les Autochtones et destinés aux Autochtones souffrant de divers problèmes; Encourager les Autochtones à entreprendre et à poursuivre des études en accordant des bourses d’études et des bourses d’excellence académique, sportive ou autre; Promouvoir les valeurs et les traditions autochtones auprès des communautés autochtones et auprès des non autochtones.
The mission of the RBA Foundation is to contribute to the improved wellbeing of First Nations. Applications meeting the following goals advocated by the Foundation will be prioritized; Supporting various Aboriginal social and community initiatives aimed at improving living conditions and the wellbeing of Aboriginal communities, in particular among youths, women and elders; Allowing and encouraging the development of, and support for, awareness-raising and intervention programs designed by Natives for Natives facing various problems; Encouraging Natives to go to school and pursue their education by means of scholarships and academic, sports and other merit scholarships; Promoting Aboriginal values and tradition among Aboriginal communities and non-natives.
Contact | 418.847.1840 x234 or 1.888.242.0277
CUE Grants | CUE | Toronto
CUE Grants are for artists who: are 29 years old or under; have a solid idea for an art project that can be fully completed in 3 months; have demonstrated experience in their medium; have a successful track record in finishing projects, following-through on long-term visions; can attend meetings, provide feedback, and participate in program evaluation; are willing to be interviewed, have their work documented and profiled on our website (this includes being interviewed on video); have connected with a CUE Facilitator; identify as a new generation artist living and working on the margins. Funds can be used for:renting equipment; framing or other quality finishing; purchasing artistic supplies and materials; paying yourself and others’ artist fees. We are looking for artists who can produce high-quality work efficiently and resourcefully with low budgets. For example, if you need $800 to produce just the titles for your animation video, your project will not likely be funded. Updated 22/01/2015
CUE Writer’s Bursary | CUE | Toronto
The CUE Writer’s Bursary is intended to provide sustenance to writers throughout the creation of literary projects. The Bursary is for emerging writers who: are between the ages of 15 and 29; have not received funding from the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, or Canada Council for the Arts; have not yet published in book form with a professional publishing body; have not yet had their work produced by a commercial production company; have a strong idea for a literary project, or segment of a literary project, that can be completed within 3 months; have a demonstrated history of quality literary writing; identify as writers “living and working on the margins”; are willing to attend necessary meetings, and submit a short final report at the end of the process. Updated 22/01/2015
Animating Toronto Parks | Toronto Arts Council | Toronto
Toronto Arts Council is launching a pilot program: Animating Toronto Parks. The 2016 pilot program will provide funding to professional artists, organizations and collectives to support free arts programming in any of 23 selected Toronto parks located outside of the downtown core.
Contact Grants Officer Erika Hennebury at or 416.392.6802 x 219
Artistes Autochtones – Aide pour Matériaux et Fournitures | Aboriginal Artists Materials and Supplies Assistance | Conseil des Arts de l’Ontario / Ontario Arts Council
Ce programme accorde des subventions de 500 $ aux artistes autochtones qui travaillent dans les formes d’arts visuels, de métiers d’art ou d’art autochtone traditionnel pour défrayer les matériaux et les fournitures nécessaires à la réalisation de leurs œuvres. Les artistes doivent présenter leur demande directement à un organisme recommandataire autochtone participant : Anemki Art Collective, Thunder Bay, Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe Native Arts Canada, Niagara Falls, Ojibwa Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng, Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford. Ce programme est destiné aux artistes autochtones qui travaillent dans les formes d’arts visuels, de métiers d’art ou d’art autochtone traditionnel. Selon la définition du CAO, le terme autochtone désigne les Indiens inscrits et non inscrits, les Métis et les Inuits.Les candidats doivent être canadiens ou immigrants reçus et résider en Ontario.
Contact Sara Roque, Responsable des Arts Autochtones | | 416.969.7454 [sans frais 1.800.387.0058 ext. 7454]
The program provides grants of $500 to Aboriginal artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional Aboriginal art forms for the cost of buying materials and supplies to make their work. The OAC’s definition of the term “Aboriginal” means Status and Non-Status, Métis and Inuit people. This program is open to Aboriginal artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional Aboriginal art forms. Artists must apply directly to one of the participating Aboriginal recommender organizations: Anemki Art Collective, Thunder Bay; Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe Native Arts Canada, Niagara Falls; Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng; Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford .
Contact Sara Roque, Aboriginal Arts Officer | | 416.969.7454 [toll-free 1.800.387.0058 ext. 7454]
Artists in the Library | Toronto Arts Council
Toronto Arts Council has partnered with Toronto Public Library (TPL) to facilitate the animation of library spaces outside the downtown core, increase arts access in local communities, and create new work and collaborative opportunities for Toronto artists. These community-engaged arts residencies are in different disciplines, and are selected based on branch capacities and local interests and needs. Toronto Public Library is contributing matching support in the form of space, technical support, marketing, promotion, social networking platforms, and staffing.
Contact Peter Kingstone, Grants Officer | | 416.392.6802 x208
ArtReach Grants | ArtReach Toronto
ArtReach Toronto is a funding program designed to support youth arts initiatives in Toronto that foster youth engagement. The goal of this grant program aims to support meaningful engagement of Toronto youth, who have experienced and/or are experiencing exclusion from active participation in quality arts opportunities. The grant aims to encourage creative expression through quality arts opportunities and foster meaningful youth engagement in project design, implementation and evaluation. For details on eligibility and application form, visit the ArtReach website at
Contact Paulina O’Kieffe, Grants Manager | | 647.498.8525
Community Arts Program | Toronto Arts Council
Through its Community Arts Program, Toronto Arts Council (TAC) provides project funding to Toronto non-profit organizations and collectives to pursue one-time or time-limited community arts projects. The City of Toronto provides the funding for this program through its Community Partnership and Investment Program. Art practiced at a community level creates a powerful sense of inclusion, understanding and the possibility of self-expression among participants. It can involve one or more art practices, such as music, dance, theatre, visual arts, and storytelling, but the collaborative involvement of professional artists1 with community members is a necessary component. TAC contributes to the development of community arts in Toronto by supporting community-engaged arts activity that demonstrates vision and excellence. In addition to funding professional arts organizations and community groups engaged in community arts activities, TAC recognizes the vital contribution emerging arts organizations make to the cultural life of Toronto and provides funding opportunities to assist these groups to access professional artistic leadership.
Contact Andrew Suri, Grants Officer | | 416.392.6802 x213
Arts du Nord | Northern Arts Funding | Conseil des Arts de l’Ontario / Ontario Arts Council
Le Conseil des arts de l’Ontario reconnaît et apprécie à sa juste valeur la nature distincte des arts produits dans les régions du nord de l’Ontario ainsi que le besoin du public du Nord d’avoir accès à des expériences artistiques. Le programme Arts du Nord tente de répondre à certains des problèmes particuliers auxquels les artistes du Nord sont confrontés, notamment des coûts plus élevés pour l’équipement, le matériel et les déplacements, un accès limité aux sources de financement non gouvernementales et moins de possibilités de perfectionnement professionnel.
Contact Christina Akrong, Responsable du Programme Arts du Nord | | 647.258.5075 x5075
The Ontario Arts Council recognizes and values the distinctive nature of the arts produced in Ontario’s Northern regions. We also acknowledge that Northern audiences need access to arts experiences. The Northern arts program addresses some of the particular challenges of Northern artists: higher costs for equipment, materials and travel, limited access to non-governmental sources of revenue and fewer opportunities for professional development.
Contact Christina Akrong, Northern Arts Program Officer | | 647.258.5075 x5075
Grants Ontario is your source for grants provided by the Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade; Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport; the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario; and selected grants from the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.
Contact | 416.325.6691
Ontario Trillium Foundation | Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is Canada’s largest granting foundation. Over $110 million is awarded annually to some 1,300 nonprofit and charitable organizations across the province. Its investment strategy includes a focus on enriching people’s lives through arts, culture and heritage. Each year, more than 3,000 applications are reviewed by hundreds of local volunteer grant reviewers. Learn more about OTF investment Streams.
Contact Ontario Trillium Foundation | | 1 800 263-2887
La Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario est un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario, ainsi que la fondation subventionnaire la plus importante au Canada. Nous octroyons annuellement plus de 105 millions de dollars à environ 1 300 organismes de bienfaisance et sans but lucratif dans toute la province. Notre tâche principale est d’investir dans des initiatives qui favorisent l’épanouissement de communautés saines et dynamiques en Ontario. Chaque année, nous recevons plus de 3 000 demandes et accordons plus de 110 millions de dollars en subventions à quelque 1 300 organismes du secteur dédié au bien public.
Contact Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario | | 416.963.4927
Arts Autochtones | Indigenous Arts Programs | Ontario Arts Council
Indigenous Artists in Communities (formerly Aboriginal Arts Education Projects) support projects that bring together professional Indigenous artist(s) to work with individuals or groups of people from a community, to create, experience or present artistic work.; Indigenous Arts Projects support professional Indigenous artists, collectives, centres, councils and other organizations who want to develop and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal communities; Indigenous Presenters in the North – Music Events supports Indigenous presenters to produce music events in Northern Ontario; Indigenous Artists in Schools supports Indigenous artists, including Elders engaged in an artistic practice, who want to provide hands-on arts projects for students; Indigenous Artists’ Materials provides grants to Indigenous artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional Indigenous art forms for the cost of buying materials and supplies to make their work; Curatorial Projects: Indigenous and Culturally Diverse supports the development of the work of Ontario-based Indigenous curators and curators who are people of colour, and the exhibition infrastructure in Ontario. It aims to increase the ability of Ontario public galleries, artist-run centres and other organizations to present projects by Indigenous curators and curators who are people of colour in contexts determined by the participants. The program helps build awareness and connections between galleries, audiences and curators.
Contact Sarah Roque | 1.800.387.0058 x7454
Engaging Communities and Schools | Ontario Arts Council
Participatory arts experiences create important opportunities for artists and communities to connect, express ideas, create art works, and make personal and social change. These benefits are realized when artists deepen their relationships with the public in innovative ways that include co-creation, co-learning and collaboration throughout all stages of a project.
Arts engagement with people of all ages, abilities, and identities contributes to building healthy, vibrant and connected communities. To achieve this goal, OAC has developed a new funding stream to support activities that increase, broaden and diversify arts participation.
Artists in Communities and Schools Projects
The program supports the research, development and realization of community-engaged arts projects. Activities involve professional Ontario artists and community members working together to develop and design a creative experience. These experiences may include co-creation. Skill building is a core component of projects.
Arts Organizations in Communities and Schools: Operating
This program provides operating funding to Ontario-based, not-for-profit, multidisciplinary, community-engaged arts organizations working in Ontario communities or schools.
Indigenous Artists in Communities Projects
The program supports projects that bring together professional Ontario-based Indigenous artists or Elders to work with individuals or groups of people from a community on collaborative activities that create a meaningful arts experience and transmit artistic skills and knowledge.
Indigenous Artists in Schools Projects
The program supports Ontario-based Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) artists and Elders (who are engaged in an artistic practice) to teach arts workshops in schools during the upcoming school year. Its goal is to connect children and youth with professional artists and Elders in creative, active, hands-on, and in-depth arts experiences.
Nasreen Khan, Officer | 1.800.387.0058 x 7428 |
Loree Lawrence, Officer | 1.800.387.0058 x 7425 |
Christina Akrong, Associate Officer | 1.800.387.0058 x 5075 |
Philippe Mesly (Bilingual), Program Administrator | 1.800.387.0058 x 5144|
Platform A Microgrants | AFCY, Art Starts, Jumblies, SKETCH
Platform A is a collaboration between four of Toronto’s leading organizations in community-engaged arts: Arts for Children and Youth, Art Starts,Jumblies Theatre and SKETCH. The aim of the Platform A initiative is to fuse the strengths and experiences of the four organizations to support a shared vision of seeding sustainable, high-quality community arts practice, and providing increased opportunities and access to the arts for youth and communities. The project will create new opportunities through shared platforms, mentorships, organizational bridge building, and micro-grants.
Contact one of the 4 partner organizations to learn more about the micro grants
Arts Axés sur la Communauté | Conseil des Arts de l’Ontario
Le Bureau des arts axés sur la communauté appuie le développement de nouvelles œuvres artistiques résultant d’une d’une démarche de collaboration créative entre des artistes professionnels et des membres de la communauté. Les activités artistiques axées sur la communauté donnent aux artistes et aux communautés l’occasion d’utiliser et de développer leurs connaissances, compétences et expériences collectives pour créer une œuvre ensemble. Des collaborations artistiques de ce genre contribuent à effacer les limites qui séparent l’art de la société et de la vie, à sensibiliser la population et à tisser des liens enrichissants entre les artistes et les communautés.
Les programmes de ce bureau subventionnent la cocréation d’œuvres dans toutes les formes artistiques, notamment la danse, la musique, le théâtre, les arts littéraires, les arts médiatiques, les arts visuels, les métiers d’art, et toute combinaison de ces pratiques. Le programme Artistes dans la communauté ou le milieu de travail appuie la recherche, le développement et la production de nouvelles œuvres artistiques créées ensemble par des artistes professionnels et des membres de la communauté. Le programme Organismes artistiques axés sur la communauté accorde des subventions de fonctionnement aux organismes artistiques professionnels sans but lucratif axés sur la communauté qui comptent au moins deux ans de programmation régulière. Voici des ressources utiles sur le programme Artistes dans la communauté ou le milieu de travail et la pratique des arts communautaires
Clelia Farrugia – (B) Officer 1-800-387-0058, poste 7427
Geneviève Trilling – (B) Associate Officer 1-800-387-0058, poste 7400
Nina Charest – (B) Program Administrator 1-800-387-0058, poste 7417
After School Arts Enrichment Program | Manitoba
The After School Arts Enrichment program funds new and existing arts programming designed for students who do not normally have access to arts programs in their community. This competitive grant program (applicants are evaluated against all eligible applications) supports new or existing after-school arts instruction and activities. For the purposes of this program, “after school” refers to any instruction or activities occurring during weekday evenings, weekends, in-services or holidays. Projects that operate during school hours are not eligible for this program and should be directed to the Arts Education Access Program.
Contact Sarah Cisaroski | Manitoba Children and Youth Opportunities | | 204.945.5397
Arts Education Access Program | Manitoba
The Arts Education Access Program supports the development of arts education programs in under-served communities. The program provides financial assistance to community-based arts and cultural organizations and community service groups involved in delivering curriculum-based arts education programming to school-aged children and youth, in partnership with schools and educational institutions. Priority will be given to communities with the lowest levels of existing arts programming.
Contact Stuart Desnomie | Manitoba Tourism, Culture, Heritage, Sport and Consumer Protection | | 204.945.1048
Aboriginal Cultural Initiatives Program | Manitoba
he Aboriginal Cultural Initiatives program provides nonprofit organizations, Aboriginal service providers, with project grants up to a maximum of $5,000.00 towards activities that foster the transmission of indigenous cultural knowledge, engage youth in traditional practises or teachings and promote understanding, awareness, appreciation and preservation of Aboriginal culture, language and heritage. This program offers two components. Arts Education supports initiatives providing instruction or mentorship in traditional or contemporary arts education. Traditional Dance supports the cultural component of traditional annual powwow celebrations.Priority will be given to mentor-based initiatives and activities that demonstrate the highest degree of community interaction, cultural impact and youth participation.
Contact Stuart Desnomie | Manitoba Tourism, Culture, Heritage, Sport and Consumer Protection | | 204.945.1048
Carolyn Sifton Foundation | Winnipeg
In keeping with Carolyn Sifton’s love of and concern for the welfare of children, the Foundation’s main granting program focuses on youth at risk. The Foundation will support projects in healthcare, education, social services, and art and culture designed to assist young people who do not have the same opportunities due to social or economic circumstances, as other youth, to develop to their fullest potential.The Carolyn Sifton Foundation also has a General Program to support some exceptional projects that do not fall within the goals of the Youth at Risk Program and that have been identified by a board member.
Contact Graeme D. Sifton | Online contact form on website | (204) 942-7884
Manitoba Arts Council | Manitoba
The Aboriginal Arts Creative Development grant is designed to enable professional Aboriginal artists to create or produce new works over a six month period. Established artists: maximum $7,500. Emerging artists: maximum $2,500.
Online contact form on website.
Community Grants | Winnipeg Foundation
Community Grants support a wide range of projects in the areas of community service, education, health, environment, heritage, arts and culture and recreation. Preference is given to projects which: demonstrate innovative approaches and techniques to solve community issues, and build individual, neighbourhood and/or community capacity; demonstrate accessibility and inclusiveness; demonstrate sensitivity to diversity; address the root causes of issues in our society; demonstrate that consideration has been given to the project’s effect on the environment; encourage more efficient use of community resources; promote cooperation and sharing among organizations to minimize the potential for duplication of services; promote volunteer participation; strengthen an organization’s capacity to be sustainable. Only registered charities are eligible for grants from The Winnpeg Foundation.
Contact Joanna Turner, Community Grants Associate | | 204.944.9474
Future First Grants | Manitoba Technical Services
Community grants of $10,000 to youth-serving organizations.
Contact 204.941.7378
Programme parascolaire d’enrichissement artistique pour les élèves | Province du Manitoba
Le Programme parascolaire d’enrichissement artistique finance les programmes d’arts, nouveaux et existants, conçus pour des élèves qui n’ont normalement pas accès à un tel programme dans leur collectivité. Ce programme d’attribution de subventions par concours (chaque demande est évaluée par rapport à toutes celles qui sont admissibles) sert à financer des cours et des activités parascolaires en arts, qu’ils soient nouveaux ou existants.
Aux fins du programme, le mot « parascolaire » désigne des activités ou des cours présentés en soirée les jours de semaine, ou pendant les fins de semaine, les journées pédagogiques ou les jours fériés. Toute demande pour des cours et activités qui se dérouleraient pendant les heures scolaires ne sera pas prise en considération dans le cadre du présent programme, et devrait être adressée au Programme d’accès à l’enseignement des arts.
Contact Sarah Cisaroski | | 204.945.5397
Programme d’accès à l’enseignement des arts | Province du Manitoba
Le Programme d’accès à l’enseignement des arts encourage l’élaboration de programmes scolaires d’enseignement des arts dans les collectivités mal desservies. Il fournit une aide financière à des organismes communautaires des secteurs des arts et de la culture et à des groupes de services à la collectivité qui présentent de tels programmes aux enfants et aux jeunes d’âge scolaire, de concert avec les écoles et les établissements d’enseignement. La priorité sera accordée au collectivités ayant le moins de programmes d’arts à l’heure actuelle.
Contact Aimé Boisjoli | | 204.945.1048
Programme de soutien aux initiatives culturelles autochtones | Province du Manitoba
Le Programme de soutien aux initiatives culturelles autochtones offre à des organismes sans but lucratif et à des fournisseurs de services autochtones des subventions de projets pouvant aller jusqu’à 5 000 $ afin d’organiser des activités qui favorisent la transmission des connaissances culturelles autochtones, encouragent les jeunes à adopter des pratiques ou des enseignements autochtones traditionnels et permettent de contribuer à la compréhension, à la connaissance, à l’appréciation et à la préservation de la culture, des langues et du patrimoine autochtone. Ce programme comporte deux volets. Éducation artistique – Ce volet appuie les initiatives qui proposent une formation ou du mentorat dans le domaine de l’éducation artistique contemporaine ou traditionnelle. Danse traditionnelle – Ce volet appuie la composante culturelle des pow-wow traditionnels organisés chaque année.La priorité sera donnée aux projets de mentorat et aux activités qui favorisent le plus les interactions communautaires et la participation des jeunes et dont la portée culturelle est la plus importante.
Contact Stuart Desnomie | | 204.945.1048
Community Grant Program | Community Initiatives Fund | Saskatchewan
The Community Grant Program supports projects and initiatives that enhance quality of life for children, youth, families, and older adults through active living, positive life choices and ensuring access to programs and services. In addition, initiatives that encourage volunteerism and that serve to strengthen Saskatchewan’s nonprofit sector are eligible. Also under this program, events such as cultural festivals or community centenary celebrations may also be supported.
Contact | 306.780.9308
Indigenous Pathways Initiative | Saskatchewan Arts Board
Independent Artists Projects support Indigenous artists to work independently on their own artistic/cultural practice, either in a traditional or contemporary art form. Community Projects support Indigenous artists and Traditional Knowledge Keepers/Elders to share their art, skills and teachings with their communities through activities such as workshops, gatherings or mentorships.
Contact Lindsay Knight 306.964.1165 or 800.667.7526 |
Artists in Communities | Saskatchewan Arts Board
Artists in Communities – Projects allows eligible applicants to engage in the arts through performances, workshops, exhibitions, commissions, etc. led by a professional artist or arts professional (e.g. curator), and presented as single events or as a series; and to research, plan and develop an artist residency that may lead to an application for an Artist in Residence project. Artists in Communities – Residencies allows eligible applicants to host an artist in residence project by contracting a professional Saskatchewan artists in any discipline to collaboratively engage the community in arts activities.
Contact 800.667.7526 | Jay Kimball or Lindsay Knight (for projects serving Aboriginal communities and/or related to Aboriginal art, skills or knowledge)
Artists in Schools | Saskatchewan Arts Board
Artists in Schools offers schools a chance to enhance arts-related activities that are linked to educational outcomes through partnerships with professional artists. The aim of the program is to expand access to meaningful artistic activities, increase student engagement in learning, cultivate cross-disciplinary learning skills and attitudes, and foster a lifelong interest in the arts. Residencies funding assists schools to host an artist in residence project by contracting a professional Saskatchewan artist working in any art form to collaboratively engage in arts activities that are linked to educational outcomes. Projects funding assists schools to design an inquiry based project by contracting a professional Saskatchewan artist working in any art form to collaboratively engage in arts activities that are linked to educational outcomes in any curriculum K-12. Applications will be accepted in English and French. Arts After Hours program responds to a need for increased out-of-school, community-based arts programming for children and youth throughout the province that is not connected to K-12 curriculum outcomes.
Contact 306.787.4056 or 800.667.7526 | Jay Kimball or Lindsay Knight (for projects serving Aboriginal communities and/or related to Aboriginal art, skills or knowledge)
Saskfestivals | Saskatchewan Arts Board
The SaskFestivals program supports and encourages eligible festival organizations in the province that have a positive impact on the arts in Saskatchewan. This includes financial support for their artistic programs and services and governance, management, administrative and operational functions.
Contact 306.964.1166 or 800.667.7526 | Noreen Neu
Community Grant Program | Saskatchewan Lotteries
The goal of this program is to get people involved in sport, culture and recreation activities by enabling communities to address the needs of local residents. If the community grant is more than $2,000, a portion of the total grant must be used for programs aimed at increasing participation for under-represented populations such as indigenous people, seniors, women, the economically disadvantaged, persons with a disability, and single-parent families. The under-represented requirement can be met by including these populations in regular programs and/or by creating special programs to meet their needs.Organizations that are eligible to receive funding include: municipal governments (city, town, village, organized hamlet or rural municipality), Indian band councils or northern settlements. These authorities distribute funds to local non-profit, volunteer, community groups to provide programs.
Contact your local municipal government or band office to learn more.
Aboriginal Arts & Cultural Leadership Grant | SaskCulture
The Aboriginal Arts and Culture Leadership Grant (AACL) supports the sharing of cultural skills and knowledge to young people through participatory cultural activity with First Nations or Métis arts and culture leaders. The grant aims to advance the course of culture in Saskatchewan by supporting:
- the sharing of cultural skills and knowledge to young peoples through mentorship opportunities that promote the world views, cultural practices and activities of First Nations and Métis peoples in Saskatchewan;
- the development of cultural organizations in their ability to deliver and sustain cultural programming with First Nations and Métis peoples and communities, as well as to respond to emerging needs and changing demographics of the province;
- increased employment opportunities for First Nations and Métis arts and culture resource peoples who offer cultural programming unique to Saskatchewan;
- cultural awareness, cultural activity, skill development, personal growth and positive lifestyles at the individual, group and community level; and
- the building of capacity for communities and cultural organizations to assess community needs and to effectively plan and implement cultural programs for, and by, First Nations and Métis peoples.
Contact Damon Badger Heit | | 306.780.9251 or 1.866.476.6830
Culture Days Funding Assistance | SaskCulture
Culture Days Funding Assistance is designed to support Culture Days initiatives (activities, events and projects) that engage public participation and inspire future involvement in the cultural life of Saskatchewan communities.
Contact Damon Badger Heit | | 306.780.9251 or 1.866.476.6830
Alberta Culture Days Funding | Alberta Culture and Tourism
To help increase Albertans’ access to local Alberta Culture Days events and activities, the Government of Alberta is funding organizations to host events from September 30 – October 2, 2016. Alberta Culture and Tourism is inviting community event planners and organizations to apply for funding for Alberta Culture Days 2016. Grants range from $1,000 for single day events to $10,000 for muti-day events.
Contact Culture Days or Alberta Culture and Tourism, Community Engagement Branch for more information.
Alberta Future Leaders Program | Alberta Foundation for the Arts
The Arts Branch hires, trains and provides financial, moral and cultural support to Arts Mentors who live within an Alberta First Nation or Métis community from May through August each year. Arts Mentors deliver art programming in the form of art workshops, projects and instruction in a variety of arts disciplines. Annual recruitment for Arts Mentor positions takes place each spring. An integral component of the AFA arts programming is contracting Senior Artists (established Aboriginal artists) to offer workshops in the communities. Senior Artists are important role models for Aboriginal youth. They inspire confidence, leadership skills, an appreciation for the arts, and build self-esteem. It is often a highlight for Aboriginal youth to participate in arts projects alongside role models from their culture.
Contact Sarah Pocklington | | 780.415.0481
Aboriginal Arts | Alberta Foundation for the Arts
This grant stream supports the development of Aboriginal artists, or artists working on Aboriginal cultural themes, who seek to express and share Aboriginal culture and perspectives in a contemporary or traditional context. Aboriginal arts projects must demonstrate a connection to the Aboriginal community.
Contact 780-427-9968 | Toll-free calls can be made by first dialing 310-0000
Community Arts Program | Edmonton Arts Council
Community Art is valued for its ability to bring people together in shared, collaborative, creative experiences to express the things that have meaning to us: where we’ve come from, where we’re going, our world, our fears, our dreams, our aspirations. It strengthens the community, develops creativity and increases awareness of the arts in our lives. The principles behind Community Art projects are artistic exploration, active participation and intentional inclusiveness that allows communities to tell their own stories.
Contact | 780.424.2787 x226
Community Support Organizations | Alberta Foundation for the Arts
This grant stream assists not-for-profit community organizations whose primary activity is the support and promotion of the arts with annual operating expenses. Community support organizations are those organizations whose primary activity is to provide programs and services to: an artistic community working in the literary arts, visual arts, performing arts, cultural industries, and film/video arts; and/or a community with limited arts opportunities
Contact 780-427-9968 | Toll-free calls can be made by first dialing 310-0000
Community Performing Arts | Alberta Foundation for the Arts
To support creating and producing performing arts activity by assisting community performing arts organizations with annual operating expenses.
Contact 780-427-9968 | Toll-free calls can be made by first dialing 310-0000
John Mahon Arts Administrators’ Sabbatical Fund | Edmonton Arts Council
The John Mahon sabbatical fund will offer two awards of up to $25,000 each to two Edmonton region arts organizations per year. The awards must be used by the organization to hire qualified, short-term replacement staff to allow an identified staff person to take a paid sabbatical leave.
Contact 780.424.2787 |
Festival Seed Grant |Edmonton Arts Council
The Festival Seed Community Investment Grant Program is intended to provide limited assistance, subject to availability of funds, to resident non-profit organizations for the purpose of funding new or emerging festivals.
Contact | 780.424.2787
Artists in the Classroom Grants | BC Arts Council & Artstarts
Teachers, principals and PAC representatives can apply for AIC grants to bring professional artists into their classrooms. AIC grants support projects in schools across BC that demonstrate artistic excellence, strong curricular connections, high levels of student engagement and an active partnership between an educator and a professional artist.
Contact | 604.336.0626
Community Arts Fund | Community Arts Council of Vancouver
The mandate of the CACV DTES Community Arts Fund is to facilitate community-led renewal through the arts, with the following priorities in mind:
- Promote health and wellbeing through involvement with the arts including opportunities for involvement in the arts as a potential vehicle for employment and income generation for local artists.
- Promote social transformation through the arts by speaking to social issues and social change in ways that inform and create understanding within and across groups.
- Build bridges by involving the diverse communities of the DTES and people from diverse socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds in creating shared interests and a shared voice.
Contact Kelty at | 604-682-0010
Aboriginal Arts Development & Youth Engaged in the Arts | First People’s Cultural Council
Applications to the Aboriginal Youth Engaged in the arts Program are invited from Aboriginal artist organizations and collectives, and from First Nations communities, for projects that are specifically meant to: encourage youth participation in creative and artistic activity; support youth cultural identity and sense of place, through artistic expression; improve the quality of life for youth, through involvement in the arts; contribute to youth participation in local arts and cultural economies; implement new arts activities that focus on engaging youth between the ages of 15 & 30.
Contact Cathi Charles Wherry at or Kyla Schorneck at
Sharing Traditional Arts Across Generations | First People’s Cultural Council
The Sharing Traditional Arts Across Generations Program is intended for Aboriginal arts organizations, collectives and artists who have a demonstrated commitment to their artistic practice in any traditionally based artistic discipline—visual, music, dance or story. The program will assist with projects that have the transmission of traditional arts skills and knowledge as their primary focus. Projects will be initiated and directed by Aboriginal artists, arts and culture organizations or established unincorporated arts collectives not otherwise eligible for existing BC Arts Council programs. Sharing Traditional Arts Across Generations is meant to enhance traditional arts activities in all disciplines; increase training and participation of artists; advance the work of Aboriginal artists practicing traditional art forms in all disciplines; support the transfer of artistic knowledge and skills between generations; enhance the network of artists practicing traditional art forms in all disciplines. Contact Cathi Charles Wherry at or Kyla Schorneck at
Aboriginal Arts Administrator Internships and Mentorships | First People’s Cultural Council
The Arts Administrator Internships and Mentorships Program will support internship and training opportunities for individuals who have a demonstrated commitment to arts administration and cultural management. To facilitate ongoing community-based work, projects may be structured to support the professional development of an arts administrator in one of two ways: an individual can arrange an internship placement with a cultural organization in any location, that will provide qualified and specific mentorship in arts administration, or an individual can arrange a structured relationship with a qualified professional who will provide specific arts administration mentorship, at a distance and through organized visits, while the intern is working with an existing community-based organization. Contact Cathi Charles Wherry at or Kyla Schorneck at
Arts Fund | Yukon Government
The Arts Fund supports group projects that foster the creative development of the arts in the Yukon and support the principles of the Yukon Arts Policy. The Arts Fund will consider arts-related projects from arts collectives, organisations, industry associations and all other eligible groups considering or undertaking an activity related to the literary, visual or performing arts. Individuals are not eligible to apply. Applicants are encouraged to consult with staff before applying.
Contact | Cultural Services Branch, Department of Tourism & Culture | 1.867.667.3535
Fonds pour les Arts | Gouvernement du Yukon
Les programmes de financement offerts actuellement par le ministère du Tourisme et de la Culture appuient aussi les activités multiculturelles axées sur le patrimoine culturel et les traditions plutôt que sur l’expression artistique. Le Fonds pour les arts a pour but de fournir une aide financière à des projets collectifs qui favorisent la créativité artistique au Yukon et respectent les principes de la politique du Yukon sur les arts.
Le Fonds pour les arts étudiera les demandes visant des projets artistiques présentés par des regroupements d’artistes, des organismes, des associations du secteur artistique ou d’autres groupes admissibles désirant entreprendre une activité dans les domaines des arts littéraires, visuels ou de la scène.
Contact: Direction des services culturels | Ministère du Tourisme et de la Culture | 867-667-3535 Sans frais : 1-800-661-0408, poste 3535 |
Financement de Projets Artistiques | Conseil des Arts des TNO
Le Conseil des arts des TNO fait des recommandations pour le financement de projets artistiques créatifs dans le domaine du cinéma, des arts médiatiques, de la musique, des arts visuels, des arts de la scène, de l’artisanat, des lettres ainsi que du développement de compétences de création et de présentations. Vous pouvez être admissible à l’octroi d’une subvention du Conseil des arts des TNO si: à la date limite de présentation de la demande, vous résidez aux TNO depuis au moins 2 ans; vous êtes un artiste en début de carrière ou établi; vous êtes un organisme enregistré aux TNO et ayant le mandat de développer les arts; votre demande est liée à un projet créatif spécifique. Le Conseil des arts des TNO accordera la priorité aux: aux projets qui favorisent la croissance personnelle du candidat dans une discipline artistique; aux projets qui encouragent les autres à se lancer dans cette forme d’art ou direction (p.ex., des ateliers); aux projets qui mettent l’accent sur le développement des arts créatifs et non sur l’aspect lucratif pour l’artiste ou l’organisme; aux projets qui favorisent la sensibilisation à la communauté artistique des TNO; aux projets qui impliquent plusieurs personnes (p. ex., des ateliers).
Contact Bureau des Programmes Communautaires | 867-920-6370 |
Arts Funding | NWT Arts Council
Funding is available in three basic categories for all disciplines: Creative Development, Creation & Production and Public Presentation.
Programme d’Aide aux Formes d’Arts Visuels Traditionnels Autochtones/Inuits pour les Artistes Individuels | Conseil des Arts du Canada
Ce programme soutient les artistes autochtones/inuits (qui travaillent seul ou avec d’autres artistes) en vue de leur permettre de réaliser des activités qui contribuent à faire connaître, comprendre et progresser les formes d’art traditionnel autochtone/inuits. Les activités admissibles comprennent notamment la création, la production, l’enseignement (transmission des connaissances) et la préservation de formes d’arts visuels traditionnels autochtones ou inuits, de même que la recherche qui s’y rattache.
Pour ce programme, les artistes qui travaillent avec d’autres artistes sont considérés comme des artistes individuels. On entend par « forme d’arts visuels traditionnels autochtones/inuits » toute activité réalisée par un artiste autochtone ou inuit et axée sur la recherche, la préservation, la création, la production, l’enseignement et la documentation d’objets dans des communautés autochtones ou inuits de même que dans le milieu artistique en général. L’activité doit exiger de grandes compétences et aptitudes techniques et une connaissance des matériaux et du sujet.
Contact: Jim Logan Agent de programme | 1-800-263-5588 (sans frais) ou 613-566-4414, poste 5266
Programme d’Aide aux Formes d’Arts Visuels Traditionnels Autochtones/Inuits pour les Organismes | Conseil des Arts du Canada
Ce programme soutient les groupes, collectifs, centres culturels et autres organismes autochtones/inuits en vue de leur permettre de réaliser des activités qui contribuent à faire connaître, comprendre et évoluer les formes d’art traditionnel autochtone ou inuit. Pour ce programme, le nom « organisme » a un sens général et désigne les groupes, les collectifs, les centres culturels et les autres organismes à but non lucratifs.
On entend par « formes d’arts visuels traditionnels autochtones/inuits » toute activité réalisée par un organisme autochtone ou inuit et axée sur la recherche ou la diffusion et la documentation d’objets dans des communautés autochtones ou inuits de même que dans le milieu artistique en général. L’activité doit exiger de grandes compétences et aptitudes techniques et une connaissance des matériaux et du sujet.
Par leur travail, les artistes qui pratiquent les formes d’arts visuels traditionnels autochtones/inuits témoignent du respect et de la connaissance qu’ils ont des traditions historiques rattachées à leur forme d’art ainsi que de l’évolution de celle-ci et du contexte dans lequel elle se situe, et cherchent à transmettre cette connaissance aux générations futures.
Contact: Jim Logan Agent de programme | 1-800-263-5588 (sans frais) ou 613-566-4414, poste 5266
Aboriginal/Inuit Traditional Visual Art Forms Program for Individual Artists | Canada Council for the Arts
This program is open only to Aboriginal people of Canada, which the Canada Council defines as First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. This program has four components, and they support the following activities: Research Grants – Under this component, artists can apply for financial support to research the techniques and materials used traditionally by Aboriginal or Inuit peoples in the making and use of artworks; Creation/Production Grants – This component provides financial assistance for the creation and production of new and innovative works of Aboriginal or Inuit traditional visual arts; Teaching Grants – Artists can receive financial assistance to teach their art form within their immediate community/region. Funding is also available for organizing workshops, lecture series, conferences and round-tables that expand the knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal or Inuit traditional visual arts forms; Art Supplies and Tools Grants – Artists can apply to purchase art supplies and/or tools necessary to create their artworks
Contact Jim Logan | | 1.800.263.5588 or 613.566.4414 x526
Aboriginal/Inuit Traditional Art Forms Program for Organizations | Canada Council for the Arts</strong
This program supports Aboriginal and Inuit groups, collectives, cultural centres and other organizations to undertake activities that contribute to the knowledge, sharing, understanding and development of Aboriginal or Inuit traditional art forms. For this program, the term “organization” is used in a general sense to include groups, collectives, cultural centres and other non-profit organizations.
Contact Jim Logan | | 1.800.263.5588 or 613.566.4414 x5266