Community-Engaged Arts Practice: Community Support and Collaboration Strategies for Seniors | Featured Resource – Artbridges

Community-Engaged Arts Practice: Community Support and Collaboration Strategies for Seniors | Featured Resource

Community-Engaged Arts Practice: Community Support and Collaboration Strategies for Seniors | Featured Resource

Arts and Health Project - Peer Support and Collaboration Strategies for Seniors

The ArtBridges Resource Portal connects you to community arts toolkits and research, reflections and stories, program ideas, and more. These resources have been developed and generously shared by artists and cultural workers in Canada through the course of their work.

Artists often develop their own tools and approaches depending on the type of work they do with communities. Through decades of community arts projects, Claire Robson has amassed knowledge, skills, and techniques that could benefit other artists who are just starting out. Community-Engaged Arts Practice: A guide to creating community support and collaboration strategies for seniors is the result of a recent collaboration between Robson and Arts & Health Project. This detailed guide starts off with a basic outline of the dynamics present in a community project, and then explores important elements of designing projects that involve elder artists.

This guide stands out from others because it is written from the perspective of a lead artist, and is rooted in the artists’ experience. It is an engaging mix of tips, reflections, stories, and actual tools, including worksheets and that can be used in a program. It also contains some great advice on communication, peer support, and honouring the wisdom that elder artists bring.  This guide is well thought out, contains helpful details, and is recommended reading for any artists whose community projects involve work with elders.

To find out more about Community-Engaged Arts Practice: A guide to creating community support and collaboration strategies for seniors, please visit the ArtBridges Resource Portal.

-Skye, ArtBridges
Read Arts & Health Project’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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