Save the Date: Creative Communities: Arts and the Everyday (Saskatoon, SK) – Artbridges

Save the Date: Creative Communities: Arts and the Everyday (Saskatoon, SK)

Save the Date: Creative Communities: Arts and the Everyday (Saskatoon, SK)

“Save the date for an important community arts event sponsored and hosted by Kaleidoscope, Centre for Creativity at Sherbrooke 401 Acadia Drive. The event will include 8 speakers using a Pecha Kucha (a Japanese term for chit chat) format which is a 6 minute and 40 second presentation using 20 images/slides. It is a fast paced, high powered format that will energize and inspire. The purpose of this event is to stimulate discussion and action as we work to integrate the arts into everyday life. We would love to have you attend so mark it in your calendar.”

-submitted by Jeff Nachtigall

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