Cripping the Arts in Canada: A symposium exploring disability arts, access, aesthetics, and justice – Artbridges

Cripping the Arts in Canada: A symposium exploring disability arts, access, aesthetics, and justice

Cripping the Arts in Canada: A symposium exploring disability arts, access, aesthetics, and justice


“Cripping the Arts in Canada: A symposium exploring disability arts, access, aesthetics, and justice
April 28-30th 2016
Ryerson University (99 Gerrard St E, 5th floor, room 560)
Cripping the Arts is presented by Tangled Art + Disability

All venues are barrier-free. All events will include audio description and/or live description, ASL interpreters, live captioning and attendant care. We request that you assist us in making this a scent-free space. For access information, including directions to venues, please contact Eliza at or 647-725-5064.

To register for this event, please visit: Space is limited. Registration deadline April 15

This event is free for Deaf and disabled people and Mad people, attendants/PSWs, under-waged/non- waged people, and retired people. PWYC for everyone else (suggested donation: $100). Cheques should be mailed to Tangled prior to the symposium: S-30, 401 Richmond St W., Toronto, ON, M5V 1R8

For more information on this symposium and to see the schedule, download the program here.”

-from Tangled Art + Disability website
Read Tangled Art + Disability’s profile in ArtBridges Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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