Culture Days Funding Assistance (Saskatchewan)

Culture Days Funding Assistance (Saskatchewan)

“Culture Days is a national, collaborative movement designed to raise awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of all Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Culture Days, which will take place September 27, 28 and 29, 2019. SaskCulture is pleased to offer Culture Days Funding Assistance (CDFA) in support of Culture Days initiatives throughout Saskatchewan.


There are two funding streams for CDFA:

  • Culture Days Hubs (presented by a minimum of 3 organizations) maximum of $4,000
  • Culture Days Events (presented by 1 organization) maximum of $1,000


Culture Days Funding Assistance is designed to support Culture Days initiatives (activities, events and projects) that engage public participation and inspire future involvement in the cultural life of Saskatchewan communities.

Culture Days Funding Assistance supports:

  • activities that will encourage and inspire people to try something new and become a regular participant in cultural activities;
  • the hiring of Saskatchewan artists and cultural workers who will engage new audiences and share their skills and talents;
  • a wide range of interactive and diverse cultural activities in communities across the province during Culture Days.

Significant priority will be given to projects that:

  • engage new audience
  • provide excellent opportunities for hands-on, interactive cultural experiences for participants, as opposed to activities that are more passive in nature;
  • are engaging and accessible – Culture Days activities are to be free to the public;
  • contribute significantly to community involvement and/or engagement.”

For more information and to apply, please visit SaskCulture’s website.

-from SaskCulture

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