Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival (Oct 24-Nov 4, Vancouver) – Artbridges

Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival (Oct 24-Nov 4, Vancouver)

Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival (Oct 24-Nov 4, Vancouver)

Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival
Wednesday October 24 to Sunday November 4, 2018

Over 100 events at over 40 venues throughout the Downtown Eastside!

With a focus on the rich and diverse communities of the Downtown Eastside, the 15thAnnual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival celebrates the creative and committed artists and activists who thrive in the heart of Vancouver. The 2018 Festival features twelve days of music, stories, songs, poetry, cultural celebrations, films, theatre, dance, spoken word, forums, workshops, discussions, gallery exhibits, mixed media, art talks, history talks and history walks.

To acknowledge, honour and support our home community’s longstanding commitment to social justice, the theme of the 2018 Festival is “Seeds of Justice, Seeds of Hope.” The Downtown Eastside community has an inspiring history of advocacy for human rights and social justice. DTES-involved artists, residents and citizens of Greater Vancouver have much to learn from our community’s history and accomplishments as we move forward to create artistic activity that speaks to today’s vital concerns and burning issues.

The mandate of the Festival is to promote, present and facilitate the development of artists, art forms, cultural traditions, history, activism, people and great stories about Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. A flagship event, the festival involves a wide range of professional, community, emerging and student artists and lovers of the arts: over 1,000 artists participated in last year’s Festival.”

For more information, please visit:

-from Heart of the City Festival website

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