DTES Social Media Workshop and Networking (Community Arts Council of Vancouver) – Artbridges

DTES Social Media Workshop and Networking (Community Arts Council of Vancouver)

DTES Social Media Workshop and Networking (Community Arts Council of Vancouver)


Downtown Eastside Social Media Workshop and Networking

Thursday, September 13  2:00-4:00pm
UBC Learning Exchange, 612 Main Street

Facilitator: Mary Bennett

This interactive workshop is for staff or social media volunteers working with Downtown Eastside groups involved with community arts. Join our Administrator and social media whiz Mary Bennett to meet other individuals and groups involved in community arts in the neighbourhood.

A limited number of laptop computers will be available to use during the session. You can either bring your own, borrow one or just observe and enjoy. Please arrive by 1:45pm if you want to use a borrowed laptop.

Workshop Schedule:

1:30-2pm – Come early and enjoy snacks, conversations and connections. Feel free to bring brochures and information about your community arts activities.

2:00-3:45pm – Introductions/ Brainstorming: how can we help each other. We’ll do some posts right there and then, and make some notes about what to do over the coming month till we meet again.

3:45-4:00pm – Wrap-up/evaluation/next steps”

-posted with permission from Mary Bennett, CACV

For more information and to register for this workshop, please visit eventbrite page.

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.

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