Call to Canadian Indigenous Artists: Art Glass Transit Shelters (Edmonton Arts Council)

Call to Canadian Indigenous Artists: Art Glass Transit Shelters (Edmonton Arts Council)


Call to Canadian Indigenous Artists – Valley Line, Mill Woods Stop – Art Glass Transit Shelters

The Art Glass Transit Shelters Mill Woods Stop public srt competition is open to Canadian Indigenous artists or artist teams residing in Canada, and is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas”(C458C).

The Edmonton Arts Council Public Art Program, on behalf of the City of Edmonton, seeks a Canadian Indigenous artist / artist team to integrate site-specific public art in the glass for the Mill Woods Stop shelters. The location is a significant and highly visible public art installation opportunity for artists who can translate their art forms into permanent treatments on the glass that is specified for the shelters.

The Mill Woods area has a complex cultural history. This area was part of the Papaschase (translated as ‘Big Woodpecker’ in Cree) Indian Reserve #136. On August 21, 1877, Cree Chief Papaschase signed adhesion to Treaty No. 6 at Fort Edmonton. The reserve covered 65 square kilometers comprising of 42 sections of land, now defined by the major thoroughfares bounding Mill Woods. Following the Riel Rebellion of 1885, many of the inhabitants accepted scrip and were forced off the land; by 1888, the reserve was surrendered and surveyed for agricultural use.

Over the next century, the area evolved from farmland to urban community. The latter part of the 20th century, saw rapid growth and change as immigrants fleeing conflicts worldwide made the community their new home.

Described as an “arrival city,” Mill Woods is unique for its diversity of cultures and Indigenous roots.

In a manner that is culturally appropriate to the peoples of this region, artwork concepts should consider the significant cultural heritage and legacy of this area, the rich histories, stories and customs that tell of this place, and Indigenous perspectives of Papaschase.

$97,000.00 CAD (maximum, all inclusive)

Deadline for Submissions:
4:30 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2017

Spring 2018

A mandatory workshop will be held for shortlisted artists.

For more information, email Chelsea Boida, Public Art Officer, or call (780) 424–2787 ext. 229 and visit for the full Call details”

-from Edmonton Arts Council newsletter

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