Embassy of Imagination: Youth Arts Workshops in Cape Dorset, NU – Artbridges

Embassy of Imagination: Youth Arts Workshops in Cape Dorset, NU

Embassy of Imagination: Youth Arts Workshops in Cape Dorset, NU


“Embassy of Imagination is a multidisciplinary arts initiative for youth lead by visual artists Alexa Hatanaka and Patrick Thompson. Their workshops introduce youth to a global perspective of art practices and a variety of art mediums, specializing in printmaking and mural painting. Embassy of Imagination leads youth to achieve self-empowerment through creating and fun.” [www.embassyofimagination.com]

ArtBridges has been following artists Alexa Hatanaka and Patrick Thompson since March 2014 when they were invited to Cape Dorset, NU to join two local artists in the creation of a large outdoor mural. During their time in the community, they hosted a series of youth arts workshops that resulted in the creation of several custom painted wildlife-proof recycling bins.

The pair recently returned from yet another trip to Cape Dorset where they transformed a room at Peter Pitseolak School into the Quviana Printshop, a printmaking and arts workshop for youth aged 12-17. Over the course of 7 weeks, youth participated in a variety of arts activities that included everything from drawing, mask-making and photography, to indigo-dying, metal-casting (with recycled metal from pop cans) and printmaking (using discarded linoleum found at the dump).

At the end of the 7 weeks, the youth displayed their artwork to the community, including internationally recognized Cape Dorset artist, Tim Pitsulak. He said: “I would like to say I was so proud when I saw their work and the effort that they put into it, and creativity. What the kids brought out was amazing talent. The future looks fantastic! One of these days one of those kids will be in my shoes.”

While in Cape Dorset, Alexa and Patrick saw the installation of the mural they worked on last year, which was generously donated by the West Baffin Eskimo Co-op to Sam Pudlat Elementary School. Alexa says: “In partnership with the West Baffin Eskimo Co-op and Kinngait Studios, we painted a mural that honours the creative hands of Cape Dorset. Youth artists Parr and Audi contributed fantastic, giant bird heads to the collaboration. We created hands in the mural by making original linocut prints, and projecting and painting them cut-for-cut: our way of giving a nod to the inspiring printmaking in Kinngait, past and present.”

Alexa and Patrick would like to thank: Canada Council for the Arts, Chalmers Family Fund, Ontario Arts Council, Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association, the Government of Nunavut, First Air, West Baffin Eskimo Co-op, Kinngait Studios, Henry’s Camera, Well and Good, Bill Ritchie, Jason Paul, Joemie Tapaungai, Peter Pitseolak School staff and everyone who contributed to the Indiegogo campaign.

For more information about Alexa and Patrick’s work with Embassy of Imagination, visit www.embassyofimagination.com.

– Cora-Rae Silk, Indigenous Community Arts Coordinator

December 2014 – Cape Dorset Mural Project: Update
March 2014 – Artists Raise Funds for Cape Dorset Nunavut Mural Project

Posted with permission from Alexa Hatanaka. All photos courtesy of Alexa Hatanaka & Patrick Thompson.













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