“Community members living in the East End will soon have the opportunity to engage with public art and develop artistic skills through a free, six-week program offered by Mural Routes in partnership with Community Centre 55. Introduction to Mural Art will be offered at this community centre (97 Main Street) on Thursday evenings from 5:30pm – 8:30pm, February 1st to March 8th, 2018.
In line with Community Centre 55’s past programming around mural production and graffiti transformation for youth, this program will allow community members to build the necessary confidence to participate in public art projects in their communities. The program will be led by Mural Routes Lead Instructor Rob Matejka, an established community artist who has led mural projects and arts education programs across the city for over 15 years.
Participants will learn foundational art, design, and mural-making skills. Classes will include topics such as drawing and painting techniques, colour theory, design challenges, stencil design and printing, enlarging techniques, and large-scale collaborative design. While the program focuses on mural techniques, participants will not be working on a wall mural but on large-scale panels.
Introduction to Mural Art is open to people of all skill levels; past iterations of the program held across Toronto have brought together a range of participants, from new mural enthusiasts to emerging muralists. Instructors adjust the program to the interests and abilities of the students, and participants work together to develop skills, share ideas, and foster enthusiasm for public art.
Introduction to Mural Art is offered entirely free of charge, including all materials and instruction. The program is offered three times per year as part of the Mural Art Learning Institute (MURALI), a Mural Routes initiative funded by a three-year, $565,100 Grow grant made in 2015 by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Full details and registration are available now at muralroutes.ca. Spaces are limited.”
-from Mural Routes press release