“Panels, workshops, exhibitions and showcases encouraging divergence across arts practices and collaboration.
Gathering Divergence Multi-Arts
Festival & Conference Spring 2021
May 19 – 21, 2021 via Zoom
The Gathering has been rebranded as a multi-arts festival and conference. CPAMO launches Gathering Divergence Multi-Arts Festival and Conference (SPRING 2021). A festival / conference focusing on varying topics within the Arts sector grounded in the transformative change embedded in the potential opportunities that arrive from thinking about the Arts in a pluralist framework amplified through a cross-sectoral understanding of Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity. Through panels, workshops, exhibitions and showcases encouraging divergence across arts practices, collaboration and professional development shaped within the sensibilities of art making and networking of IBPOC artists and organizations.
The Gathering Divergence Multi – Arts Festival and Conference | What Have We Learnt: Approaches, Lessons and Future Strategy towards Anti Black Racism, Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity and Digital Support in the Arts is envisioned as a space to gather, diverge with diversity and intersect on the many aspects of the performing arts and the Arts sector. The festival and conference invites participants from across the world and the Canadian arts sector investigating intersections of artistic / organizational practices grounded in EDIP (Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity towards Pluralism) Divergence is a critical manifestation in critical thinking. We encourage attendees to think together.
The launch of the publication Living in the Skin, I am In: Experiential Learnings, Approaches and Considerations towards Anti-Black Racism in the Arts, continues the conversation on anti-black racism in the arts, it’s impact on black artist’s use of digital technology and the implications one’s artistic / organizational practices. The featuring articles previously published or written along with articles from invited contributors working in all performing arts disciplines including visual arts, digital / media arts and arts administration. Offering resources, toolkits and an annotated bibliography readers will find value in the international, national and local scope of its contents.
The Gathering’s schedule is available: https://tinyurl.com/555fpsy6
For more information about each panel/workshop: https://cpamo.org/2021/04/21/the-gathering-may-19-21-via-zoom/“
-from CPAMO