Indigenous Community-Engaged Arts

ArtBridges identified, mapped, promoted, and connected Indigenous community-engaged arts initiatives. 109 initiatives, approximately 25% of ArtBridges’ community partner initiatives, work within or with Indigenous communities. Connected with, discussed and brainstormed about how community-engaged arts initiatives can support and learn from each other and help to provide more arts resources and opportunities in urban, rural and remote FNMI (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) communities. Created blog posts and shared relevant information about Indigenous community-engaged arts initiatives in Canada.
Shared ideas, issues and concerns amongst FNMI initiatives in a google hangout series over the course of a year for “Community-Engaged Arts for Indigenous Communities & their Allies in Solidarity.” Discussion topics included: High costs for transportation and shipping arts supplies to remote communities; Cultural protocols vary and can cause tension – how do we respect everyone’s point of view and navigate these issues appropriately as visitors in a community?; Are there connections between traditional teachings and restorative transformative justice that can help us deal with difficult situations when they arise?
Set up a Facebook group: ArtBridges’ FNMI and Northern Community Arts.