Micro-grants for artists and arts collectives interested in community-engaged arts: Platform A / Jumblies (Toronto)

Micro-grants for artists and arts collectives interested in community-engaged arts: Platform A / Jumblies (Toronto)


As part of the Platform A, an initiative of the Toronto Arts Council, Jumblies is pleased to announce that we will be awarding $12,000 in micro-grants for projects taking place between January and April 2015.

Jumblies’ micro-grants are for artists and arts collectives interested in community-engaged arts.

By this we mean that the arts process should:

  • combine social and artistic goals and desires,
  • be connected to a non-arts community location, group or organization,
  • involve participants from this community in developing, creating and presenting the art.

Jumblies’ micro-grants can involve the following type or combination of activities:

  • Project Development: supporting artists in gaining skills to start and manage a project.
  • Activities could include developing an outline or proposal, producing digital support materials, or enlisting a mentor or consultant.
  • Pilot Project: allowing artists to test an idea or aspect of a project – for example, trying out a workshop or series of workshops with a specific group. Pilot Projects can be independent, part of a larger or partnership Community Arts project.
  • Process: Micro-grantees, who have not already done so, are expected to attend Jumblies’ Atfare Essentials, 6-day intensive orientation workshop (this year December 13-19).

Each micro-grantee will also be assigned a Jumblies mentor – usually one of our Offshoot Artistic Directors – with whom they will meet at the start and at intervals throughout the project, for planning, ongoing guidance and evaluation. In consultation with Jumblies staff, micro-grantees can opt to work within an existing Jumblies affiliated project or location, or in a community of their own choice, providing they can demonstrate that they have the connections and support to do so.

Micro-grants are available to artists and artist collectives:

  • of any age
  • from any arts discipline or tradition
  • with basic arts training or equivalent experience
  • who have lived in Toronto for at least one year
  • who are trying to establish community arts skills and practice
  • who do or don’t have an existing connection with Jumblies
  • who have not in the past received a grant from the Toronto Arts Council, the Ontario Arts Council or Canada Council for the Arts
  •  in some cases, who have already received one Platform A micro-grant (ask if relevant)

Micro-grants requests can range from $250 to $1,000. Jumblies has a total of $12,000 allocated from the Toronto Arts Council to award in micro-grants through Platform A.

The application deadline is October 30th, 2014. Proposals can be e-mailed up until midnight.
Work supported by our Micro-grants and final reports must be must be completed by April 30.
Micro-grant recipients and their projects will be showcased at a Platform A event in May 2014.

Contact Jumblies to discuss your proposal and make sure it’s eligible.
Submit a proposal that includes:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Artistic background (CV or bio) or background of the collective
  • Your goals and desires for this project and longer-term
  •  A short description of your project
  • A description of how your project engages with communities
  • Samples of previous art work (e.g. photos, DVD, written text, web-link)
  • A simple budget to show how the funds will be spent
  • One or two references if you don’t have a prior connection with Jumblies

NB – We accept written proposals in other languages (and can have them translated). You can
also request an interview with a Jumblies staff member who will help to put together your

For this option or for other information or help in applying, please fee free to contact us at info@jumbliestheatre.org or 416.203.8428.
Please submit your application by mail or email to:
Jumblies Theatre
9 Second Street, Wards Island
Toronto ON M5J 2A7

Jumblies Micro-grants are part of Platform A: mentorship, micro-grants and partnerships for community-engaged arts in Toronto, a collaborative initiative funded by Toronto Arts Council. 4 organizations: Arts for Children and Youth, Arts Starts, Jumblies, and Sketch are working together to build capacity in the Toronto’s community-engaged arts sector. These companies all offer micro-grants, mentorship and other supports for emerging artists.

Find out about the other Platform A partners at: Arts for Children and Youth, Arts Starts, Sketch, CUE Art Projects

-submitted by Michael Burtt, Jumblies Theatre
Read Jumblies Theatre’s profile in ArtBridges Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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