A participatory project bringing together mothers and daughters who were born outside of Canada (Koffler Centre for the Arts, Nov. 15-24, Toronto) – Artbridges

A participatory project bringing together mothers and daughters who were born outside of Canada (Koffler Centre for the Arts, Nov. 15-24, Toronto)

A participatory project bringing together mothers and daughters who were born outside of Canada (Koffler Centre for the Arts, Nov. 15-24, Toronto)


“A participatory project bringing together mothers and daughters who were born outside of Canada – newcomer women, as well as those who may have immigrated years ago. Like Mother, Like Daughter weaves together their stories into an unscripted conversation, performed by the mothers and daughters themselves. At the end of each performance, the audience is invited to join the mothers and daughters for a light meal created by Newcomer Kitchen to continue the conversations.
“delicate, generous, inspiring, warm, funny, and in moments, heart-rending.” – Sprockets & Greasepaint

November 15 – 24, 2018
918 Bathurst Centre for Culture, Arts, Media & Education, Toronto

PAY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD: $50 | $35 | $20
PURCHASE ONLINE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/like-mother-like-daughter-tickets-50533568263

Thursday, November 15, 8 PM – OPENING NIGHT
Friday, November 16, 8 PM
Saturday, November 17, 11 AM – BRUNCH PERFORMANCE
Sunday, November 18, 6 PM
Thursday November 22, 8 PM
Friday November 23, 8 PM
Saturday, November 24, 11 AM – BRUNCH PERFORMANCE
Saturday, November 24, 8 PM

Directed by Rose Plotek
Associate Directed by Lisa Karen Cox
Original Concept by Ravi Jain, Rose Plotek, and Poppy Keeling
Co-Created by Why Not Theatre & Complicite Creative Learning
Presented & Produced by Koffler Centre of the Arts

More info: kofflerarts.org | theatrewhynot.org

-from Koffler Centre for the Arts
Read Koffler Centre for the Arts’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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