Moccasin Vamp Workshops: NEECHEE STUDIO is a free art & culture program for youth, led by Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists (Thunder Bay) – Artbridges

Moccasin Vamp Workshops: NEECHEE STUDIO is a free art & culture program for youth, led by Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists (Thunder Bay)

Moccasin Vamp Workshops: NEECHEE STUDIO is a free art & culture program for youth, led by Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists (Thunder Bay)

“December 14, 2018 – 1st workshop
Youth will be taught the different styles and methods that pertain to our communities while learning how to make their own pattern and vamp from the tracing of their foot. They will then be given the opportunity to be creative through design and color application of their liking. Their vamps could be beaded, quilled, spray-painted, drawn on with marker, etc.

December 21, 2018 – 2nd workshop: We will be ready to assemble the moccasins. This requires tracing your foot, cutting leather, preparing to put moccasins together with the vamp.

NEECHEE STUDIO is a free art & culture program for youth, led by Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists. All workshops are free, including the materials (you take home what you make), food and bus tickets.”

For more information, please visit the workshop’s event page.

-from Neechee Studio

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