Myths and Mirrors Celebrates Fierté Sudbury Pride Week, July 18-24 (Sudbury, ON) – Artbridges

Myths and Mirrors Celebrates Fierté Sudbury Pride Week, July 18-24 (Sudbury, ON)

Myths and Mirrors Celebrates Fierté Sudbury Pride Week, July 18-24 (Sudbury, ON)


“Sudbury, ON: Once again, Myths and Mirrors has partnered with Fierté Sudbury Pride Week to offer a series of collaborative arts-based activities to engage, support, and celebrate Sudbury’s diverse LGBT2SQ communities.

Fierté Sudbury Pride Week (July 18-24) marks the public launch of Artists Trans Artistry (ATA), a collaborative project between Myths and Mirrors and TG Innerselves, Northern Ontario’s transgender support service. ATA was formed in 2015 in response to a growing demand for art-making activities from TG Innerselves participants. An art show at Sudbury Theatre Centre will showcase work by ATA participants, with other activities throughout the week to support Fierté Sudbury Pride, highlight Sudbury’s unique LGBT2SQ history, and get the community geared up for Saturday’s Pride March.

Myths and Mirrors invites the public to join them for the following community events:

Tuesday, July 19 — Artists Trans Artistry Show
Visit the Sudbury Theatre Centre (170 Shaughnessy St.) from 5-8pm for the Artists Trans Artistry Show. See artwork created by ATA participants, learn more about the ATA project, and take part in an interactive art activity!

Wednesday, July 20 — C.A.S. Fundraiser BBQ
Myths and Mirrors will join the Children’s Aid Society of the Districts of Sudbury Manitoulin, the Child and Family Centre, Greater Sudbury Police Service, Greater Sudbury Police Service Chief’s Youth Advisory Council, and local youth to create a banner promoting safety and wellness for LGBT2SQ youth. Stop by Fir Lane (behind the Child and Family Centre, 62 Frood Rd.) at 11am to enjoy a burger and watch the banner take shape! Minimum donation of $5 per person with all proceeds benefitting Fierté Sudbury Pride. Free for participating youth.

Friday, July 22 — Fierté Sudbury Pride Poster-Building Workshop
Myths and Mirrors will be hosting a free poster-building workshop at their downtown location (139 Durham St.) from 2-4pm. All are welcome to come create a poster in preparation for the Pride March the following day! All materials provided.

Saturday, July 23 — Pride Day in the Park
Visit Myths and Mirrors at Memorial Park (188 Brady St.) after the Pride March to learn more about Sudbury’s LGBT2SQ history. Witness the unveiling of the newest addition to the Donovan Memories Project featuring the story of one of the pioneers of Sudbury’s LGBT2SQ community. The Donovan Memories Project started in 2015 to highlight the diverse history of the Donovan neighbourhood.

For more information about Myths and Mirrors’ Pride Week activities, contact Aédan or Alex at (705) 222-1305. Visit for a full listing of Fierté Sudbury Pride events.

Celebrating 20 years, Myths and Mirrors helps to build community and gives people a voice through collaborative art making, story sharing and infusing art into our everyday lives. Everyone is welcome.”

Submitted by Myths and Mirrors
Read Myths and Mirrors’ profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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