Celebrate Indigenous Artists from the North by donating to NWIA’s Best New Northern Artist Award! – Artbridges

Celebrate Indigenous Artists from the North by donating to NWIA’s Best New Northern Artist Award!

Celebrate Indigenous Artists from the North by donating to NWIA’s Best New Northern Artist Award!

NWIA-BarbaraLarondeAward[Watch YouTube video here]

“Celebrate Indigenous Artists from the North by donating to NWIA’s Best New Northern Artist Award!

The Barbara Laronde Award for Best New Northern Artist
This is in honour of my mother, Barbara Laronde. She has been a force in our family. She’s been the spine, the backbone, and artistic as well as very creative, and very funny. And she’s very well known and  very much of a community person herself.  She has raised us all to be very creative, very entrepreneurial, and I think this is something that this award really encompasses.
(Sandra Laronde, NWIA’s Founder)

This campaign will help to create and sustain an award that will celebrate and support the careers of new indigenous female artists from Northern Ontario. One winner will be selected annually, and she will receive a cash prize and performance opportunity.  With your generosity, this award  will grow in the coming years to encompass an artist residency and mentorship.

  • Our goal is $5,000 to launch and sustain the award for 2015 and 2016.
  • Your contribution will directly benefit the selected artists through a cash prize and artist and travel fees.
  • You will receive perks such as VIP admission to NWIA performances, updates about the award recipients, opportunities to meet with the recipients, and other gifts from NWIA!
  • If we do not reach our goal, we will still offer the award in 2015 as a cash prize and paid performance opportunity, with the hope of expanding it to include an artist residency and mentorship in 2016.

The Impact
A lot of northern Ontario artists are not fully recognized in the same capacity as other areas of Canada, so this is an opportunity to elevate northern artists.  As we know, there are many, many of them that are there and talented and we need to bring them out of the woodwork.

This award will celebrate and help to foster the careers of emerging artists from more remote indigenous communities in Ontario, and showcase their excellence and innovation.  NWIA recognizes the geographic and economic barriers that many northern artists face, and our aim is to bring them out of the woodwork and help create connections, professional development opportunities, and build confidence and excellence in their creative endeavours.

Your support will ensure this award continues on an annual basis in the years to come, and that it grows to include additional professional development components, including a mentorship and artist residency.

Our Track Record
For over 20 years, Native Women in the Arts has delivered successful productions in theatre, dance, music, and spoken word, and produced three publications of indigenous visual art and writing. Artists have included emerging and established artists such as Tanya Tagaq, Lisa Odjig, Lee Maracle, Chrystos, Susan Aglukark, Pura Fe, and culturally diverse artists like Jackie Richardson, Mariko Tamaki, Jane Bunnett, and many more! We also produce an ongoing series of community-driven artist talks, leadership and cultural workshops, and youth arts projects. Our aim is to bring people together who are interested in arts, culture and the advancement of indigenous peoples.

Donate what you can, and please share this campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and via email to your friends and family.  All donations will receive a thank you on our website, and donations can be made in honour of loved ones; Please just send us a message through Indiegogo to specify, or email us at info@nativewomeninthearts.com.”


Posted with permission from Erika Iserhoff, Native Women In the Arts
Read Native Women In the Arts’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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