Nee-tum-ochi-bek: First Roots and Sustainability | Featured Resource – Artbridges

Nee-tum-ochi-bek: First Roots and Sustainability | Featured Resource

Nee-tum-ochi-bek: First Roots and Sustainability | Featured Resource

DAREarts Testimonial

The ArtBridges Resource Portal connects you to community arts toolkits and research, reflections and stories, program ideas, and more. These resources have been developed and generously shared by artists and cultural workers in Canada through the course of their work.

“The youth of the north need something to look forward to and the Arts is an investment in hope that will last forever.” – Glenn Marais

In addition to toolkits, worksheets, sample documents and directories, the ArtBridges Resource Portal also holds stories about community arts work, the people who carry it out, the challenges we face, the inspiration we feel, and the relationships we develop. Sharing unique stories and reflections on our experiences helps us to develop a shared understanding and build our collective capacity. These reflections and stories play an important role in developing broader critical dialogue about community arts and arts for social change.

As part of his work with DAREarts, Glenn Marais has recorded his own insights into working with Northern communities, the short term and long term impacts of the arts, and the reason why relationships like this need to be sustained.

To learn more about DAREarts and read Glenn Marais’ reflections, please visit the ArtBridges Resource Portal.

-Skye Louis, ArtBridges Resource Developer
photo provided by DAREarts

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts Sponsor

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