While Newcomer Day festivities in Nathan Phillips Square have been cancelled this year, we will be spotlighting some of our members who are newcomer artists online throughout the week of May 18.
As Newcomer Day festivities in Nathan Phillips Square have been cancelled due to COVID-19, Neighbourhood Arts Network is pleased to spotlight newcomer artists online from May 18-22. A week full of online activations showcasing films, music, and discussions by newcomer artists, Newcomer Week: Virtual Edition will showcase and honour the vibrancy that newcomer artists bring to Toronto’s cultural landscape.
Newcomer Week: Virtual Edition will convening organizations including Ontario Arts Council, JAYU, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), Small World Music, and past recipients of Neighbourhood Arts Network’s RBC Newcomer Artist Award to present virtual activations through dynamic digital partnerships.
Monday May 18: “Ó:ia Enióhrhen’ne (The Day After Tomorrow)”. Presented in partnership with Mahlikah Awe:ri onherInstagram Live @ 8 PM
Tuesday May 19: Online Exhibition Tour of exhibition “Extracolonial: Reflections for Action” at Sur Gallery on Zoom @ 6 PM
Wednesday May 20: “Establishing an Arts Practice in Canada”. Presented in partnership with Ontario Arts Council on Zoom @ 1 PM
Thursday May 21: “In Conversation: International Arts Mentorship Experiences”. Presented in partnership with with New York Foundation for the Arts on Zoom @ 6 PM
Friday May 22: “Hear Me Out: Curated Playlist”. Presented in partnership with Small World Music. Relaxed listening online, any time.
Additional: a listing of free online films by newcomer artists and/or on the theme of migration and settlement will be shared in partnership with JAYU and Regent Park Film Festival’s ‘Home Made Visible’ program.”
For more information, please visit: https://neighbourhoodartsnetwork.org/programs/newcomer-day-virtual-edition