Know your grants: Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (Resource) – Artbridges

Know your grants: Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (Resource)

Know your grants: Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (Resource)


Grant: Community Arts Program
“The Community Arts Program (CAP) is available to community-based arts organizations and groups. The program funds projects related to arts workshops, presentations, productions, new creations, adjudicator fees, artist fees, and travel costs.”

For more information on NLAC’s Community Arts Program grant, click here.

Grant: ArtsSmarts
ArtsSmarts is funded through the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education’s Cultural Connections Strategy and the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (NLAC). In Newfoundland and Labrador ArtsSmarts is administered by the NLAC.

The ArtsSmarts Mission: To afford schools and their communities a chance to enhance artistic activities linked to educational outcomes. The desire is to encourage students to develop their intellectual skills through active participation in the arts. In this context, the program goal is to engage young people in artistic activity to develop supporters and practitioners of the arts by nurturing creative thinkers.”

For more information on NLAC’s ArtsSmarts grant program, click here.

Grant: Visiting Artist Program
“Schools can apply to the Visiting Artist Program (VAP) to bring individual artists, groups of artists, or arts organizations into the school to provide students with direct personal contact with practicing professional artists. The program covers artist fees, materials, and travel costs. The program is offered in partnership with the Cultural Connections Strategy of the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA), and the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (NLAC).”

For more information on NLAC’s Visiting Artist Program grant, click here.

Grant: School Touring Program
“The School Touring Program (STP) is available to professional artists, groups and not-for-profit arts organizations to support significant touring productions to schools throughout the province. Offered in partnership with the Department of Education through its Cultural Connections Strategy, the program provides students with direct access to high quality artistic experiences. The program covers touring costs only (i.e. travel, accommodation, per diems, artist and technician fees, tour administration, royalties, and limited rehearsal).”

For more information on NLAC’s School Touring Program grant, click here.

Other NLAC Grant Programs:

-posted with permission from Joshua Jamieson, NLAC

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