Featured Resource: Nikamon ohci askiy : songs because of the land | Cheryl L’Hirdondelle – Artbridges

Featured Resource: Nikamon ohci askiy : songs because of the land | Cheryl L’Hirdondelle

Featured Resource: Nikamon ohci askiy : songs because of the land | Cheryl L’Hirdondelle

nikamon ohci askiy_VancouverSonglines2

In 2010, Winnipeg hosted My City’s Still Breathing (MCSB), a conference on the relationships between art, artists, and the city. Several of the panels were recorded and made available through a special archive online. These talks will be especially interesting to those artists interested in the dynamics of art making within urban landscapes and urban communities.

The MCSB panel on Lasting Impressions: Ephemeral Artworks in the City asked, ‘to what degree can temporary creative experiences facilitate contemplation and action with a view to building community?’. Interdisciplinary artist, singer/songwriter, and curator Cheryl L’Hirondelle speaks about mapping the city, land and people of Vancouver through song. In a project called nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land), songs and audio recorded across the city were linked back to a database online at vancouversonglines.ca. Created in partnership with Grunt Gallery, the site features audio and text in Cree and English which can be played back and remixed to create new soundscapes.

The majority of MCSB panels are documented in audio format and can be downloaded as mp3s, while some are available as video that can be viewed online.

To hear Cheryl L’Hirondelle’s talk, ‘Nikamon ohci askiy: songs because of the land’, or to watch the video of the presentation, see My City’s Still Breathing: Lasting Impressions in the ArtBridges Resource Portal. To learn more about the 2010 conference, please visit the conference website.

-Skye Louis, ArtBridges Info Resource Developer
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