On Now!: Youth-Led Arts Festival: 5th Annual BIG BAM BOOM (AFCY, June 4-9, Toronto) – Artbridges

On Now!: Youth-Led Arts Festival: 5th Annual BIG BAM BOOM (AFCY, June 4-9, Toronto)

On Now!: Youth-Led Arts Festival: 5th Annual BIG BAM BOOM (AFCY, June 4-9, Toronto)

afcy“Toronto, ON (June 4-9, 2013) Arts for Children and Youth’s (AFCY) annual youth-led arts festival will take place at The Art Gallery of Ontario inside the Weston Family Learning Centre. BIG BAM BOOM (BBB) will showcases young talent from an array of Arts for Children and Youth (AFCY) programming. BBB will feature tasteful combinations of visual arts (photography, drawings, masks, fashion, paintings, murals and installations) and performance arts (Aboriginal dance and spoken word, African drumming, beat boxing, hip hop and dance).

Community Gallery (June 4-9, 2013)
The Community Gallery will feature a variety of artwork that were designed and inspired by children and youth in AFCY programs. These programs take place in schools and communities in Toronto’s priority neighborhoods. This year’s visual art exhibition will feature combinations of clay murals, photography, graffiti walls, and mixed media.


Special Pop-up Performances inside The AGO Galleries (June 5, 2013)
On June 5th some of the youth that will perform at the BIG BAM BOOM Performance Showcase will do teaser performances in front of the Public at the AGO that Wednesday. The AGO allows free admission for Ontario high school students after 3pm. The young performers will travel to the AGO via public transport and set up for the performance. BBB will provide local artists with multiple opportunities to showcase their artistic learning and talents as featured acts in the festival and as exhibitors in the gallery.

BIG BAM BOOM Performance Showcase (June 8, 2013)
Performances take place inside the Weston Family Learning Centre at the AGO. Balu Kanagalingam and Erin Amoah will host the BIG BAM BOOM Performance Showcase with a special performance by Emerging Hip-Hop group Plaitwrights

About Arts For Children and Youth (AFCY):
AFCY is a registered charitable organization. We ally with high priority communities and empower marginalized children and youth by engaging them in hands-on, community and school based arts education programs that respect existing cultural and community activity, resulting in participatory action and social awareness. To learn more about us, please visit www.afcy.ca. You can email us at info@afcy.ca or call us at 416-929-9314.


About BIG BAM BOOM Youth-Led Arts Festival:
BIG BAM BOOM (BBB) is a Youth-Led Arts Festival that celebrates what Toronto youth have to offer. This week long festival showcases young talent from an array of Arts for Children and Youth (AFCY) programming.
The BIG BAM BOOM Youth-Led Arts Festival is organized and carried out by the BIG BAM BOOM Volunteer Youth Committee. The Committee was established in 2011 as an extension from AFCY’s Youth Advisory Council. This Committee was created to focus on the ever-growing BIG BAM BOOM Youth-Led Arts Festival. Over time this festival has grown into a week long festival featuring tasteful combinations of visual arts (photography, drawings, masks, fashion, paintings, murals and installations) and performance arts (Aboriginal dance and spoken word, African drumming, beat boxing, hip hop and dance). This annual event has now become what AFCY youth performers and families look forward to every year. The BIG BAM BOOM Volunteer Youth Committee work hard into making the BIG BAM BOOM Youth-Led Festival a week to remember! To learn more about the BIG BAM BOOM Youth-Led Arts Festival and the BIG BAM BOOM Volunteer Youth Committee, please visit www.bigbamboom.ca. You can email us at bigbamboom@afcy.ca or call us at 416-929-9314.”

-submitted by Bright Osei-Agyeman, BIG BAM BOOM Festival Director 

To read other ArtBridges’ posts about AFCY, please click here.
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For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director, simon@artbridges.ca, 905-537-7227
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