Ontario Culture Days: Grand Rounds in Conversation (Radical Connections, Sep 27)

Ontario Culture Days: Grand Rounds in Conversation (Radical Connections, Sep 27)

Culture Days 2022: GrandRounds at Saint-Vincent Hospital



Culture Days is a nationwide initiative to celebrate arts and culture. Ontario Culture Days is taking place this year from September 23 until October 16, 2022.

At Radical Connections and Bruyère, we believe participation in the arts should be a standard aspect of healing and wellness. During Grand Rounds at Saint-Vincent Hospital (SVH), visitors will get a chance to sample the art and artists offered to the people in care at Bruyère’s hospital and long-term-care sites. 

What are Grand Rounds? A doctor’s daily rounds are a central aspect of inpatient medical care with their focus on the immediate care and support of patients in the hospital. Grand Rounds are educational sessions, open to all members of medical departments. Our Culture Days Grand Rounds, brought to you by Bruyère and Radical Connections, are open to artists, arts workers, and all members of the healthcare community as well!

Grand Rounds in Conversation, Online Panel Discussion: Tuesday, September 27th, 12noon (Lunch and Learn)

Over the summer, Bruyère’s two long-term care sites, Residence Elisabeth Bruyère and Residence St. Louis, have been venues for a stellar array of musicians, storytellers, poets, and actors through a program called Unmasked Connections. Accessing an online artist directory, residents and family members have been given the opportunity to choose an artist they are interested in, and treated to personal, one-on-one, interactive virtual concerts. 

At Ground Rounds in Conversation, learn more about the impetus, development, and impact of Unmasked Connections in an online panel discussion. Meet Therapeutic Recreational Coordinator, Kim Durst-Mackenzie, a popular participating artist Jennifer Vallance, and Bruyère residents who have enjoyed the program, and Rebecca Macdonald, a research student who has been involved in the project since the beginning. Hear inspiring stories of the inspiration and connections between people in care and artists.

The panel discussion will also feature psychologist Diane Meschino) from Sanokondu, a multi-national community of practice invested in healthcare leadership education. https://www.sanokondu.com/home

Link will be posted on the Culture Days event page: https://culturedays.ca/en/events/2d3b9250-522c-4bd5-a017-dccf3b00a881

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Eldercare Foundation of Ottawa and the Ontario Arts Council”

-from Culture Days

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