Art and social inclusion symposium (Art Education Graduate Symposium, Concordia U, Montreal)

Art and social inclusion symposium (Art Education Graduate Symposium, Concordia U, Montreal)



“Join us for the 6th annual Art Education Graduate Symposium, on February 6th and 7th 2015. This year, the symposium will be showcasing research within and beyond the Concordia context, surrounding the theme of art and social inclusion. Individual papers, panel discussions, and skill-sharing sessions, as well as alternative presentation formats such as performance, that celebrate, question, challenge, or otherwise encourage consideration about art, accessibility and social inclusion will be presented. REGISTRATION for full event is Friday and Saturday 9:30-10:00am in EV2.645 there is no cost to attend.

Visit the Art Hive/makerspace on Friday and Saturday 11-1pm in EV2.645

FRIDAY Special Feature: MacKay Centre School
• 9:30-11:30am February 6th, 2015
• EV 7.745, 1515 St. Catherine W., Concordia University (Montréal, Quebec)
• This is a FREE event!

This presentation will feature current art programs at the school with Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli’s Projet RAD (an organization providing people with various disabilities the opportunity to take inclusive urban dance classes adapted to their needs), and the AUMI (Adaptive Use Musical Instrument)-Mackay Center School project presented by Eric Lewis, Affiliation, Dept. of Philosophy, McGill University and Keiko Shikako-Thomas, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University.

Community Art Show Vernissage: 8 x 8: The Art of Inclusion
• Friday, February 6th, 2015 at 5:00- 7:00pm.
• La Ruche d’Art (4525 Rue Saint Jacques, Montréal metro: Place-Saint-Henri)
• This is a FREE event!

Saturday Keynote Speaker: Judith Snow
• 3:30 – 5:00pm, February 7th, 2015
• EV 7.745, 1515 St. Catherine W., Concordia University (Montréal, Quebec)
• This is a FREE event!

Judith Snow is a social innovator, visual artist and advocate for social inclusion. For almost 30 years Judith has pioneered education and training programs that have resulted in changing the lives of thousands of people labeled “disabled”.


The Keynote Address: Judith Snow – Social Inventor and Advocate for Inclusion
Judith Snow, MA advocates for inclusion – communities that welcome the participation of a wide diversity of people. She is a visual artist, author, and Founding Director of Laser Eagles, an organization making creative activity available through personal assistance to artists with diverse abilities. For nearly 30 years, Judith has pioneered education and training programs that have resulted in changing the lives of thousands of people labeled ‘disabled’. Her vision is to create a world in which everyone has access to contribute to their communities.

The Special Feature Project RAD and AUMI by our very own Mackay Center School, will take place on Friday from 10:00am-11:30am. The music and movement programs offered at Mackay Centre School allow our students not only to be exposed to these ART forms but also help them grow socially and emotionally.

“As long as our hearts are beating a rhythm is being created, everyone can dance! No Excuses, No Limits!” – Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli

Projet RAD is an organization providing people with special needs an opportunity to take inclusive urban dance classes in a progressive and reliable atmosphere tailored to the needs of each student. Guided by certified dance instructors, our students experience the joy of dancing with a group and the opportunity to shine on stage like a superstar! All should have the opportunity to discover a method to pursue a passion in their own way. We believe that everyone can reach their full potential and can accomplish their goals, regardless of ability.

AUMI (Adaptive Use Musical Instrument), originally conceived and designed by Pauline Oliveros and Leaf Miller, allows individuals with limited motor control to make music, thereby opening up to them new opportunities for creativity and community. The AUMI-Mackay Center School project is the result of a partnership between the school and IICSI (International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation). AUMI is a computer software system which uses motion tracking, and a simple interface, to transform bodily movements, into music. Envisaged as a tool for facilitating creativity, collective improvisation and community building, AUMI affords those with little motor control the opportunity to manifest their creativity.

Presenters include Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli and team, Patrizia Ciccarelli- English Montreal School Board-MACKAY CENTRE SCHOOL – PHILIP E. LAYTON SCHOOL, Eric Lewis, Affiliation, Dept. of Philosophy, McGill University and Keiko Shikako-Thomas, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University.

Open Access: The Art of Inclusion

Art Education Graduate Symposium
Concordia University, 2015

For more information on the Art Education Graduate Symposium, visit the Facebook page:”

-submitted by Art Hives

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