Opportunity: Aboriginal Artists Materials and Supplies Assistance Grant (Ontario Arts Council)

Opportunity: Aboriginal Artists Materials and Supplies Assistance Grant (Ontario Arts Council)


Purpose: The program provides grants of $500 to Aboriginal artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional Aboriginal art forms for the cost of buying materials and supplies to make their work.

Artists must apply directly to one of the participating Aboriginal recommender organizations:
– Anemki Art Collective, Thunder Bay
– Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe Native Arts Canada, Niagara Falls
– Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng
– Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford

– This program is open to Aboriginal artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional Aboriginal art forms.
– The OAC’s definition of the term “Aboriginal” means Status and Non-Status, Métis and Inuit people.
– Applicants must reside in Ontario and be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

Deadline Dates:
– Anemki Art Collective has a single deadline of October 15, 2014.
– All other recommender organizations accept applications at any time, starting in July 2014, until their budgets are spent. The program closes on February 6, 2015.

Approved applications are forwarded to OAC by the recommender once the decision to award a grant has been made.

Program Guidelines and Application Form
Form-fillable Word Document / PDF Print Version

Click here for a video with information on how to prepare effective support material for visual arts and craft grant applications. You may also be interested in other helpful tips.

Final Report
Form-fillable Word Document / PDF Print Version

For more information
Anne Gardé Gravestock, Bilingual Program Assistant, (416) 969-7461, toll free 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7461, agravestock@arts.on.ca
– Caroline Cotter, Bilingual Program Assistant, (416) 969-7455, toll free 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7455, ccotter@arts.on.ca
– Lisa Wöhrle, Associate Visual Art and Crafts Officer, (416) 969-7419, toll-free: 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7419, lwohrle@arts.on.ca
– Sara Roque, Aboriginal Arts Officer, (416) 969-7454, toll-free: 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7454, sroque@arts.on.ca

Posted with permission from Sara Roque, Aboriginal Arts Officer, Ontario Arts Council
Photo courtesy of www.freeimages.com


  1. Kyle Southwind 11 years ago 7 August 2014

    hello im native artist that is interested but ..confused on how to apply ..iv been clickin away tryn to figure out how to apply but doesn’t seem to work for me atm ..

    • ArtBridges/ToileDesArts 11 years ago 8 August 2014

      Hi Kyle, thanks for commenting! I’m sending an email with more details. Feel free to get in touch!
      -Lisa, ArtBridges

  2. Doreen 11 years ago 24 September 2014

    Hi there,
    Is this a one time grant or are we able to access more than once?

    • ArtBridges/ToileDesArts 10 years ago 8 October 2014

      Hi Doreen, thanks for your comment. We’re just helping OAC spread the word about this grant, so I don’t have the answer to your question, sorry! To find out more details, please contact Sara Roque, Aboriginal Arts Officer, [(416) 969-7454, toll-free: 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7454, sroque@arts.on.ca] for more grant information.
      -Lisa, ArtBridges

  3. Candy 11 years ago 25 September 2014

    Is this one grant? Is everyone Competing of $500 or is it a larger grant divided up?

    • ArtBridges/ToileDesArts 10 years ago 8 October 2014

      Hi Candy, thanks for your comment. We’re just helping OAC spread the word about this grant, so I don’t have the answer to your question, unfortunately. My apologies!
      To find out more details, please contact Sara Roque, Aboriginal Arts Officer, [(416) 969-7454, toll-free: 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7454, sroque@arts.on.ca] for more grant information. Thanks!
      -Lisa, ArtBridges


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