Opportunity: Community Art Program Development (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation) – Artbridges

Opportunity: Community Art Program Development (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation)

Opportunity: Community Art Program Development (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation)

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Cultural Strategy and Action Plan

Community Development Facilitator (Community Art Program Development)

Terms of Reference

Brief Project Description This project will engage staff from health, education, the social services, and band administration,  as well as artists and other interested community members,  in developing a Cultural Strategy and Action Plan that focuses on using the creative arts as a tool for addressing critical social concerns and for fostering community well-being. The Plan will identify the community’s existing artistic assets and provide a road map for incorporating both traditional and contemporary art activities into a community wellness strategy and into the programs and curricula of local educational and social service agencies. This plan will be integrated with other cultural planning activities that are in progress, namely land-based cultural mapping and economic develoment planning.

Start Date and Duration The anticipated start date is April 1, 2011 (subject to project funding). The project will take place over the course of 12 months.


  • Facilitate a series of one-on-one discussions, meetings and workshops leading to the development of a KI Cultural Strategy and Action Plan.
  • Ensure the participation of a broad cross section of community organizations and artists in the planning process.
  • Deliver teaching workshops on the theory and practice of community art as a resource for healing and wellness and for addressing critical social concerns.
  • Provide information about best practice models in the field of community art, with specific attention to community art initiatives delivered in First Nations by Aboriginal practitioners or culturally competent non-Aboriginal practitioners.
  • Conduct a ‘cultural mapping’ exercise to identify local cultural and art resources (people, places, skills, experience, interests, etc.) relevant to the project goals.
  • Work with agencies, departments and community organizations to develop cultural plans for agencies working on their own, or collaborating and sharing resources with other agencies and sectors.
  • Develop a training plan for local artists to assist them in learning ways of adapting their practices to engage community members in collective art making.
  • Develop a training plan for managers and staff of agencies to assist them in learning how to incorporate community art in their programs and curricula.
  • Include an implementation plan that identifies dates and persons responsible for specific actions; a financial plan that identifies potential sources of revenue and funding for the project; and a process for on-going monitoring, reporting and evaluating activities as the plan is implemented.
  • Prepare a draft, solicit feedback, make revisions and prepare a final version of the KI Cultural Strategy and Action Plan.

Qualifications and Experience We are looking for a community development facilitator/consultant with experience in strategic planning in a First Nations context, and with experience in developing community art programs relevant to healing and wellness (prevention/intervention) and community empowerment.

Budget We have budgeted $27,000.00 plus travel for the services of the community development facilitator for this project.

The funders require 3 quotes from consultants/facilitators by Nov. 25, 2010. We will attach these quotes to the Creative Communities Prosperity Fund proposal that we prepared on behalf of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, a  remote First Nation community in Northwestern Ontario.

Interested parties can send Community Works a brief outline of proposed services and fees.”

Please contact us if you have any questions:
Robert Miller
Community Works (Winnipeg)
Tel/Fax: (204) 255-1131
Email: communityworks@mts.net

-submitted by Robert  Miller, Community Works (Winnipeg)

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