“Call for applications from deaf, mad & disability-identified applicants – Outreach Coordinator
Start Date: May 14, 2019 12-month contract
3 days/week (24 hours) $22/hr (ANN = $27,456)
*Some evening and weekend work will be required
Tangled Art + Disability is boldly redefining how the world experiences art and those who create it. We are a not for profit art + disability organization dedicated to connecting professional and emerging artists, the arts community and a diverse public through creative passion and artistic excellence. Our mandate is to support disability-identified artists, to cultivate disability arts in Canada, and to enhance access to the arts for artists and audiences of all abilities.
Tangled invites applications from Deaf, Mad or disability-identified people for the position of Outreach Coordinator. Reporting to the Executive Director and Director of Programming and working collaboratively with Tangled staff and partners, the Outreach Coordinator will:
- Plan and coordinate community engagement activities
- Liaise with community partners from arts & other spheres
- Develop and coordinate new educational programs
- Conduct external relations for Tangled’s presenting series and special projects
The nature of the position is evolving, adapting to the needs and opportunities of our growing organization. The role of Outreach Coordinator will require occasional evening and weekend commitments. Overtime is compensated with time-off in lieu, during slower periods.”
For more information, please visit: tangledarts.org/join-support/job-postings/
-from Tangled Art + Disability website
Read Tangled Art + Disability’s profile in ArtBridges Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map