Performance at the Park & Call for Open Mic Night Performers (Scarborough Arts) – Artbridges

Performance at the Park & Call for Open Mic Night Performers (Scarborough Arts)

Performance at the Park & Call for Open Mic Night Performers (Scarborough Arts)


August 12, 2015, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
The Bluffs Gallery, 1859 Kingston Road

“Bring your friends, family, and picnic blankets out to our first-ever Performance at the Park! There will be special performances by Canadian singer-songwriter Blitz Kawaja; by pop, reggae, and R&B cover musicians from the Port United Band; plus other special guests!

The evening will also feature local up-and-coming performers for our Open Mic Nightsegment. (Check below to find out how you can participate!).

The festivities will be hosted by emcee and hip-hop artist Dan-e-o, who will be joined by our DJ, Ash Jahromi. There will be food and refreshments, arts activities for the whole family, door prizes, and loads of entertainment!

RSVP is required for this event. Let us know you’re coming by contacting Susan at 416-698-7322 or by emailing exhibit [at] scarborougharts [dot] com.

Performance at the Park is part of a larger series of events for 12 x 12, our new summer exhibition at the Bluffs Gallery running from July 15 to August 28, 2015. The last 12 x 12 event is Paint Night on August 25, 2015. More information about the 12 x 12 exhibition and other events on our website.”


Deadline: August 3, 2015 at 5 pm

“Join other talented performers and sign up for our Open Mic Night!

The Open Mic Night is part of our upcoming event, Performance at the Park, taking place on August 12, 2015 at the Harrison Estate Gardens — just behind Scarborough Arts’ Bluffs Gallery on 1859 Kingston Road!

We welcome every kind of performer and all kinds of family-friendly performances! Whether you are a musician, a spoken word artist, a comedian, an actor, or a storyteller, you are invited to sign up!

To reserve your spot, contact Susan at 416-698-7322 or email exhibit [at] scarborougharts [dot] com with your name, the title of your piece, the length of your performance, and any technical requirements. The deadline to sign up is Monday, August 3, 2015 at 5 pm.”

-from Scarborough Arts newsletter
Read Scarborough Arts’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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