Study: Do Community Arts Programs Promote Positive Youth Development? – Artbridges

Study: Do Community Arts Programs Promote Positive Youth Development?

Study: Do Community Arts Programs Promote Positive Youth Development?

Finger paint (photo by flaivoloka/Flavio Takemoto)

Michelle Goulet, from Calgary, called us at ArtBridges one day, to inquire about community-based arts information for a school assignment for UVic’s Child and Youth Care Program. Over the course of the conversation, we–in turn–began inquiring about an academic article on community-based arts that she mentioned! She referred us to an article on University of Windsor’s website called, Do Community Arts Programs Promote Positive Youth Development?  She said that it highlighted “findings from a multi-method study” and that it was from the academic interdisciplinary  journal called, “Critical Social Work (2008, Vol 9 No. 1) and authored by several people–the first listed–Robin Wright.”

The following is an excerpt from the article:
This study reports on the multi-method longitudinal examination of a structured arts program (combination of theatre, visual and media arts) for youth, aged 9 to 15 years, from a low-income community in Hillsborough County in Tampa, Florida. Evaluated were the extent to which the community-based organization could recruit and retain youth in the program and whether they demonstrated improvement with respect to artistic ability and psychosocial indicators. The results suggest successful recruitment and sustained attendance rates. The study employed a multilevel growth curve analyses of observational and behavioral outcomes which showed significant gains in artistic and social skills, and a significant reduction in emotional problems. The contention that community arts programs promote positive youth development is supported by this study.”

To read the study, please click here.

-submitted by Michelle Goulet

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