Power of the Arts National Forum: The Arts as Tools for Peace (Feb 16-18, Montréal) – Artbridges

Power of the Arts National Forum: The Arts as Tools for Peace (Feb 16-18, Montréal)

Power of the Arts National Forum: The Arts as Tools for Peace (Feb 16-18, Montréal)

“After three editions at Carleton University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Ottawa, the Michaëlle Jean Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2018 Power of the Arts National Forum will be held in Montreal, at the invitation of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, an extension of the blossoming partnership the two organizations have built over the last three years. From February 16 to 18, 2018, everyone from across Canada and the province of Quebec who uses the arts as tools for individual and social change is invited to share on the theme, “The Arts as Tools for Peace”.

Speakers from Canada and abroad, artists of all stripes, researchers and scientists, as well as activists and representatives from groups that use the arts as part of their mission will be presenting, facilitating workshops, moderating debates, and performing. The Forum will also provide an excellent opportunity for individuals, cultural institutions and establishments to extend or maintain their networks. It will also be a great way to round off the 375th anniversary of Montreal and Canada’s 150th anniversary.

Mobilizing for Peace
The goal of the Forum is to bring together key players from Canada’s cultural, political, and business sectors, along with those from the health, justice, and civil society sectors to mobilize action towards a culture of peace based on social cohesion, dialogue, mutual understanding, and justice, in a world that is increasingly disoriented.

The previous three editions of the Forum gathered hundreds of participants from all walks of life who presented and shared their experiences, best practices, accomplishments, how they used the power of the arts to create, invent, innovate, rejuvenate their environment, their communities, and spark social change. Certainly, the Montreal editions of the Power of the Arts Forum will expand and build on this national mobilization for a better world, where arts and culture play their full role as weapons of mass construction.

Register Now
Punctuated by dynamic cultural performances, workshops, thematic debates and plenary sessions, the Power of the Arts National Forum is a bilingual event, open to the general public. It will bring together a roster of Canadian and international presenters and performers.

You can download here the preliminary program of the 2018 Power of the Arts National Forum.

To register, please fill out the registration form.

For more information on previous editions of the Power of the Arts National Forum, see this page.”

-from Fondation Michaëlle Jean Foundation website

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