Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Justice (Jan 20-22, online) – Artbridges

Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Justice (Jan 20-22, online)

Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Justice (Jan 20-22, online)

What is Practicing the Social?

Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Justice is a FREE online arts-based gathering that will merge an artistic and scholarly program in engaging and accessible ways. We strive to promote social justice, via critique and creative engagement, and to explore creative possibilities and innovations by disrupting the methodological challenges and tensions that define our social practices. 

This gathering will showcase artistic and scholarly practices, performances, and works that engage in non- or anti-normative art and cultural production (fat art, aging art); decolonizing and Indigenizing themes/processes; gender and sexuality; difference and identity; Indigenous, Black, queer, trans, and crip pasts, presents and futures; Black feminism and intersectionality; crip and queer culture, access, and activism; and more.

Our programming is entirely virtual and includes more than 80 speakers and performances, plus multimedia exhibitions, a Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon, a book launch for The Aging/Disability Nexus, a Remote Access + Arts Everywhere Festival – Nightlife and Dance Party, a screening of films from the Rolls and Race project, a virtual social networking space in Gather Town, and so much more.

Check out all of our Event Activities!

Hosted by Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice at the University of Guelph with Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology and Access to Life (BIT), this gathering will feature artists, activists, and academics from across Canada, the US, Europe, South America, and New Zealand.

Join us ONLINE on January 20-22, 2022. REGISTER now!

For more information, please visit:

-from University of Guelph

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