Profile Highlight: Kichi Sibi Memories Gallery Gifts and Thrift (Pembroke, ON)

Profile Highlight: Kichi Sibi Memories Gallery Gifts and Thrift (Pembroke, ON)

As ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory grows, we realize that it’s a bit overwhelming to read through all of the profiles. We’re hoping that by occasionally highlighting some profiles on our blog, you may learn about an initiative that you may not have initially seen in the directory. Also, if you know of a Canadian community-engaged arts for social change initiative that isn’t in our directory, but should be, please let us know! We love and need your input/feedback in building this resource! -Lisa, Content Coordinator at ArtBridges.


Kichi Sibi Memories Gallery Gifts and Thrift presents our local indigenous peoples and local community history from a unique perspective, using unique and creative teaching tools and products. Local supporters are always providing us with interesting, special, and high quality items and clothing that we can make available to you. Original paintings or artisan craft work sets the themes, reflective of our seasons, special ecological neighbours, and our beautiful river. We feature artwork that captures our special relationship with this great river, the Kichi Sibi, and our special relationships and responsibilities as Anishnabe women and local families. Our prices range from 3.00 to 3,000.00. Place custom orders. Meet local community non-profits and other socially committed groups and services. We are just beginning. We look forward to your increased support and our continued growth.

We are mandated to use the arts as a vehicle for preserving, expressing, teaching and sharing about the Kichesipirini Algonquin heritage as we promote the specific local Aboriginal history of the area, with a strong emphasis on demonstrating the social values and traditions of that history and culture, especially as they apply to the very specific places in the region and how they are found in documented records, and with that, to encourage a deeper the relationship to the river. ”

To read more about Kichi Sibi Memories Gallery Gifts and Thrift, please see their profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map.

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