Profile: The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre (Toronto) – Artbridges

Profile: The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre (Toronto)

Profile: The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre (Toronto)


The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre (CCAC) is a community arts charitable organization that was founded in 1979 by David Blackmore and Tommy Oki. Its mandate is to provide art classes, music instruction, karate and summer camp to children in the CCAC’s neighborhood for subsidized rates because “it’s so important that all children have access to creativity” and that music and arts lessons are affordable for everyone in the community. The general model is: a community arts centre that offers highly subsidized (and some free) private and group music, art, karate, drama classes, a drop-in coffee house, and summer arts camp.

The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre is really good at their music program. It is known for its supportive environment for aspiring young musicians which includes a homey and nurturing atmosphere where kids can gather and learn.

The centre’s catchment area is Cabbagetown, Moss Park, St. Jamestown and Regent Park (communities in the downtown east side of Toronto). Doors are also open to anyone who wants to attend from other areas of the city. The language of service is English. It works primarily with children and youth ages 3-20; they also offer a few adult drop-in programs. The average number of participants are: 40 per day and 500 annually. The program hours are Mon.-Fri.; 3:30-8:30; Sat. 9:00-5:00; Sun. 6:00-10:00 .

The music classes offered are piano, violin, guitar, saxophone, flute, and drums. Music theory, visual arts and karate are taught in group classes. Their summer camp offers lots of arts and crafts as well as field trips around the city to attractions such as: the zoo, Casa Loma, and the Royal Ontario Museum. Classes are mostly available through registration, few are drop-in. On Sunday evenings the centre offers a coffee house wherein people can play music and recite poetry. Fees for classes are determined through a sliding scale and about 75% of the students require subsidies. The centre holds 3 recitals a year and showcases the participants’ artwork.

The CCAC’s goals this year are to increase their corporate fundraising, reinstate their drama program and increase their programming hours. They are also adjusting, after a huge move, into their rented studio that is 2,100 sq ft. As Sarah says, “challenge is always.”

WISHLIST: The CCAC needs musical instruments, volunteers, donations, metronomes, and sheet music (they’ve started a music library).

The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre has a board of directors, and it would like to start an advisory council or committee in order to support the Board’s activities. The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre has 1 full-time staff, 15-18 part-time staff, and approximately 10 community volunteers. Its annual budget range is $260,000. It is supported by about 4% gov’t funding. It does not currently have a budget for professional development, training, conferences.

Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre loves partnering with other community arts projects/programs/organizations/resources!

ArtBridges interview with Sarah Patrick, Executive Director, on april 8th, 2010.

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.


  1. Pierre Guignard 15 years ago 13 July 2010

    What has happened to the old location that was donated ??? now you are renting? thats not the place I was part of.

  2. connie 14 years ago 25 March 2011

    have a large painting done by tom oki,would like to sell.6475027202,if u know anyone that would be interested pls call,thanx

  3. Patricia Thomas 13 years ago 15 July 2012

    I will be visiting Cabbagetown,Toronto from Barbados for the period July 27 to August 24 and was wondering if I could find a art class for this period. Presently doing Water Colour, have done Oil and would be interested in charcoal drawing. Please let me know if anything would be available.
    Thanks! Patricia Thomas

    • Lisa 13 years ago 7 August 2012

      Hi Patricia,
      I’m not sure if the Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre has arts programming for adults in the summer. It would be best to contact them directly as they may know of other arts-oriented places in the neighbourhood that may offer art classes:
      Good luck!

      If you have any questions for ArtBridges/ToileDesArts, please feel free to contact us at info[at]artbridges[dot]ca or give us a call at: 416-691-7777 or toll-free at 1-877-278-3002.

      -Lisa, ArtBridges

  4. Marion 12 years ago 29 January 2013

    Is Tom Oki still involved or are his children running the centre now I have lost touch over the years used to help out interested in Tom Oki painting I have a small black and white ink sketch that he did as a gift to me. Marion please call me at 905-832-1795 if not there please leave a message why not do a donation drive or hold a city wide art contest with a donation from the corporate sector etc.

    • Lisa 12 years ago 20 February 2013

      Hi Marion,

      ArtBridges is not affiliated with the Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre. Your best bet would be to contact them directly. Here is their contact page: please check that page for more details.

      Best wishes,

      -Lisa, ArtBridges

      • Marion Primeau 12 years ago 20 February 2013

        Thank you for your courtesy. If I can ever be of any assistance please do not hesitate to ask. Marion

        Please note my new email address
        Marion Primeau, CTM
        Manager, Leisure Sales
        Sportscorp Travel – a UNIGLOBE Partner Agency
        2 Holland Drive, Unit 9 – Bolton, ON L7E 1E1
        Direct: 905-499-2049/Main: 905-857-8599/After-Hours 905-832-1795
        Book your next vacation at
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