Quote: Andrea Dorfman, Canadian filmmaker and friend of ArtBridges

Quote: Andrea Dorfman, Canadian filmmaker and friend of ArtBridges

“A little while ago, I had an epiphany about why I became an artist, or why I could not have become anything BUT an artist. I believe in ART more than anything else because there is nothing else that I can think of that provides more possibility, challenge, opportunity and potential than exploring the world through creativity. It is a process which is endless and ongoing and eye-opening and inspiring. I love how ART brings me in touch with others through collaboration and then again, after creation, through exchange. ART makes me grow in ways that I can never imagine although it all starts with imagination, with a leap into the unknown. About ten years ago I was at a friend’s wedding and one of the friend’s of the bride had made the cake, sewed the bride’s veil and constructed a trellace out of twigs where the happy couple would get married under. When one of the guests told her how amazed she was that this friend of the bride’s could do so much The friend said a matter of factly ‘i am an artist, i can do anything’. I love that about ART. It makes you feel like there is always a way. It may not be the way that you had imagined, but ART will take you beyond your wildest dreams.”

Andrea Dorfman, Canadian Filmmaker, Friend of ArtBridges

films: “Parsley Days”, “Love That Boy,” documentary: “Flawed”

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