Request for Proposals: 2018/19 Professional Guest Artist Series (Art City, Winnipeg) – Artbridges

Request for Proposals: 2018/19 Professional Guest Artist Series (Art City, Winnipeg)

Request for Proposals: 2018/19 Professional Guest Artist Series (Art City, Winnipeg)

Art City invites local, national, and international professional artists to submit proposals to lead collaborative art workshops at our studio in 2018/19.

Founded by artist Wanda Koop, Art City is a not-for-profit community art studio located in West Broadway, a culturally diverse and densely populated neighborhood in the heart of Winnipeg’s inner city. Art City is dedicated to providing people of all ages with innovative and professional art programming, free of charge, frequently featuring workshops based on the practices of guest artists. Art City’s primary goal is to provide space and tools for anyone who wishes to express themselves creatively.

Workshop Information
• While Art City is open to all ages, most participants are elementary to middle school age children (6 – 14) who live in the West Broadway community. Older youth, adults, and seniors also regularly participate in Art City programs.
• An average of 25 participants drop in each workshop, some attending most days, others attending only once, arriving and leaving at different times throughout the evening. Workshop activities should ideally be planned to accommodate both short-term and long- term participation.
• Workshops are scheduled for a one-week period, Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Artists, staff, and volunteers are required to be at Art City between 3:00 pm (set up) and 8:00 pm (closing time). A healthy snack (dinner) is served mid-way through each workshop and enjoyed by all present.
• The Art City studio is a versatile space that can be used as a wide-open work area, filled with tables and chairs, or transformed into an immersive installation. The main studio area measures approximately 27’L x 19’ W x 11’H.
• Art City maintains an inventory of art supplies and owns specialized equipment related to ceramics, film photography, digital photography, and digital arts including audio and video equipment and software.
• Selected guest artists will be supported in developing, managing, and facilitating their workshops by the Artistic Director, Studio Manager, staff, and volunteers.
Art City workshops are most successful when…
• The proposed workshop reflects the artist’s own art practice.
• The activities make sense, make use of examples, and can be explained in a clear and concise manner as participants arrive throughout the workshop.
• Participants learn something new.
• Participants create something they can take home to share with friends and family.
• Working on collaborative projects, participants are able to create individual components that combine to make a larger finished piece.
• The activities are culturally relevant to participants own lives.

Submission Deadline: Monday, March 26, 2018
Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Email proposals to: submissions[at]

More details on this Request for Proposals can be viewed here.

For further information about Art City and the Professional Guest Artist Series, contact Artistic Director, Eddie Ayoub at: ad[at] ”

-from Art City Inc. newsletter

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