Resource Highlight | Arts Equity Video Series: Principle #3, Relevance and Representation – Artbridges

Resource Highlight | Arts Equity Video Series: Principle #3, Relevance and Representation

Resource Highlight | Arts Equity Video Series: Principle #3, Relevance and Representation

Arts Equity Video Series: Principle #3, Relevance and Representation
Neighbourhood Arts Network | ON | 2017

“The 2nd video in a series of 5 speaks to how reflexivity and relationships starts with critical self-reflection; reflecting on how our own position fits with those we aim to work with. This sort of reflection helps when working to build and maintain relationships.

Visit this page to access the accompanying worksheet for this video and the rest of videos from the rest of the Arts Equity series.

Video by: Meredith Stapon

Meredith Stapon is a creative force and recent graduate from York University. Following her Connecticut upbringing, Meredith returned home to Toronto, where she has found inspiration in the arts community. With experience throughout multiple disciplines, she currently finds peace combining traditional approaches with contemporary technologies.”

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