Round The Table & Performing Stories (March 21-24, Jumblies Theatre) – Artbridges

Round The Table & Performing Stories (March 21-24, Jumblies Theatre)

Round The Table & Performing Stories (March 21-24, Jumblies Theatre)

ROUND THE TABLE is a winter warming project taking place at The Ground Floor. It brings together songs, soup, sewing and storytelling.

March  21, 22, 23, 2017  (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm)
March  24, 2017 (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Tickets (including soup dinner): Suggested $20
Charitable receipts for additional donations
PWYC tickets for local residents and friends of choir members
Seats are very limited and so please reserve in advance

We’ve commissioned composers and song-writers to create new rounds for the Ground Floor Choir to rehearse on Wednesday evenings. With text generated by artists and community members, each round represents one stage of a meal: preparing the home, making the soup, greeting the guests, expressing thanks, toasting, telling tales, clearing up, bidding farewell.

Meanwhile, on Tuesdays, we are inviting people to join us in cooking and eating soup, illustrating recipe cards and decorating felt envelopes to hold them. Tuesday meals will also feature guest storytellers, followed by storytelling workshops for youth and adults.

All of this will come together in a Round the Table musical meal and performance, running from March 21st to 24th. For more details and to make an advance reservation, contact

Date: Tuesdays, February 6th- March 20th
Times: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Location: The Ground Floor, 132 Fort York Blvd, Toronto.
No experience needed! Drop in for one workshop or come to all six of them.
Feel free to come early for homemade soup and sewing activities with Fabric and Culinary artist Marianne Alas (happening between 4:30 – 6:30).
* FREE, accessible space, transportation and other support can be provided

What is it?
Performing Stories is a new 6 week workshop series, with a focus on sharing and exploring cultural, personal and imagined stories with some exciting guest artists!

The workshop will be lead by Julia Hune-Brown with the support of Binaeshee-Quae Couchie-Nabigon, with guest storytellers Sharada Eswar ( Feb 13th), Rubena Sinha ( Feb 20th), and Bernice Hune ( Feb 27th).

The guest artists will perform and share their own stories and processes with the group and inspire the group to tell their own stories, with a performance outcome at our Round The Table event at the end of March.
For more information contact: or 416 209 8428″

-from Jumblies Theatre
Read Jumblies’ Profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map

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