SKETCH / Connect to Youth’s theatre-based program is recruiting! (Toronto)

SKETCH / Connect to Youth’s theatre-based program is recruiting! (Toronto)

Sketch- Acting OUT

“SKETCH/Connect to Youth’s theatre-based program is recruiting!
Through involvement in this program, youth can build skills, make their voice heard, make an impact, get paid, and increase other young peoples’ access to justice! Who can be involved? Youth who are interested in acting, identify as LGBTQ or an ally, have lived experience in the child/youth social services sector (CAS, immigration, shelters, youth justice, mental health, etc.). The auditions are January 16 (4-6pm) OR January 17 (4-6pm) – youth only need to come to ONE. Email for more information or see the poster and information attached.”

For more information, please download Acting OUT!’s information sheet or visit www.sketch,ca

SKETCH has two new ways to share program information!
SKETCH’s new website ( has a great interactive and searchable program calendar, check it out at This is the most up-to-date source for all our ongoing programs, special projects and events. We also have a newly active Facebook page for outreach to youth: This is also a great place for the newest info on our programs and projects. Like us! We’re also using it to cross-promote other agencies’ activities, so let us know if you want us to post your activities too.”

-submitted by Sonya Reynolds, SKETCH Working Arts
Read SKETCH’s profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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