StArt YPA Presents Breaking Bread Reception (Scarborough) – Artbridges

StArt YPA Presents Breaking Bread Reception (Scarborough)

StArt YPA Presents Breaking Bread Reception (Scarborough)

StArt Youth Presenting Art invites you to attend its second annual Breaking Bread Reception, which will be held Friday, August 18th, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Scarborough Village Recreation Centre, 3600 Kingston Rd., Scarborough Ontario, M1M 1R9.

The evening will open with the Breaking Bread reception, followed by performances from some of Scarborough’s emerging artists. The Breaking Bread Reception is an interactive community night in celebration of the diverse cultures that comprise the Scarborough community. StArt YPA invites you to join us, to meet and know more about our neighbours through food, storytelling and build community relations. Join us at the Breaking Bread Reception, 2017 and indulge in samples of selected breads with delectable side dishes, celebrating Scarborough’s diverse community!”

-submitted by StArt YPA & SuiteLife Arts for Youth
Read SuiteLife Arts for Youth’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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