The Community Arts Practice Certificate (York University) invites you… – Artbridges

The Community Arts Practice Certificate (York University) invites you…

The Community Arts Practice Certificate (York University) invites you…

“Community Arts Practice Certificate at York University invites you to join us for a screening of John Greyson’s acclaimed film FIG TREES on Wednesday February 10th at noon in the Nat Taylor Cinema (Ross N102) on York University’s Keele Campus. This is the second in our screening series “Documenting Community, Art and Activism”.

FIG TREES is a documentary opera about the struggles of AIDS activists Tim McCaskell of Toronto and Zackie Achmat of Capetown, as they fight for access to treatment drugs. Featuring Gertrude Stein, a singing albino squirrel and St. Teresa of Avila, FIG TREES explores the meaning of pills, saints and activism.

The screening will be preceded by a youth short from Montreal’s Prise Positive, and EMPOWER magazine will be on hand to present their by-youth-for-youth HIV/AIDS arts activist manual.

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This screening series is made possible by a Major Teaching Development Grant to CAP instructor Heather Hermant. The Community Arts Practice Certificate is jointly hosted by the Faculties of Fine Arts and Environmental Studies. For more info about the certificate, email Alberto Guevara, Fine Arts,; or Deborah Barndt, Environmental Studies,

For more information about the screening series

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