TO WORK OR NOT TO WORK: Interactive Theatre for Dialogue – Artbridges

TO WORK OR NOT TO WORK: Interactive Theatre for Dialogue

TO WORK OR NOT TO WORK: Interactive Theatre for Dialogue

“As restrictions lift, will we still be allowed to keep working from home? Does the system ask us to choose between our careers and our family’s health? How can we support each other when we’re asked to return to the office?

TO WORK OR NOT TO WORK is an interactive theatre presentation that seeks answers to these questions. You will experience an adapted format of Forum Theatre that is rooted in anti-oppression work as is interactive. This style of theatre compels audience members to develop real-time strategies for dealing with social and personal issues. Let’s come together to explore solutions and possibilities to what lies ahead for us all.

WHEN: July 23, 2020, 7:30 PM ET

WHERE: Online via Zoom. Receive the Zoom Meeting Link by registering for the event.

REGISTRATION: This is a Pay What You Can Event. Please register here:

For the play synopsis and more about our style of theatre visit:

-from Mixed Company Theatre

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