Upcoming Abilities Arts Festival Events & Opportunities

Upcoming Abilities Arts Festival Events & Opportunities


Call for Media Submissions:

“AAF is inviting submissions of media works for: Portraits of the Artist: Media by / about artists with disabilities
•Completed after 2010
•Any length, genre
•Submission format: dvd
•Foreign language (not French or English) must be subtitled, captioned or include English transcript
•Must include: one line and one paragraph descriptions, key credits and brief bios of the writer and director
•Deadline: June 1
•Send to: AAF, 401 Richmond St W, Suite S-21, Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

FULL SPECTRUM Workshop Schedule:
Attend workshops on May 26, June 2, 9 and 18…

Saturday, May 26, 11 am – 1 pm: The Artist in Words
Pre-registration required. Limited places. First come, first served. One-on-one sessions 
providing feedback and editing advice on one of those precious documents that describe your work to funders, sponsors, curators, programmers and audiences. Get an outside eye on your cv, project description, artist’s statement.

Saturday, June 2, 11 am – 1 pm: Photography Portfolio Review
Pre-registration required. Limited places. First come, first served. One-on-one sessions. 
Photographers get invaluable feedback on their work: critiques of individual works as well as general guidance on portfolio presentation.

Saturday, June 9, 11 am – 1 pm: Communication and Promotion Strategies
Communication with colleagues, mentors, programmers, publishers, media and your intended audiences can be particularly challenging for independent artists. With all that creative energy and what little funds you have going to your work, there may not always be a lot left over for getting the word out to the world about it. Come and hear three case studies from artists and small organizations with tips.

Monday, June 18, 6 – 8 pm: Full Spectrum Finale – A “Date” with the Arts Councils
This is your opportunity to get better acquainted with the Community Arts Programmes of the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council. Brief presentations by Loree Lawrence of the OAC and Andrew Suri of the TAC, followed by individual “speed dating” meetings to address your particular issue or question. Pre-register for your “speed date”.

To register for any or all of these sessions: email admin@abilitiesartsfestival.org or call 1-888-844-9991
Tell us the workshop you’d like to attend and your namephone number and/or email address.”

-submitted by Abilities Arts Festival

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