Update – Artbridges




Just over a month has passed since our last blog entry. As ArtBridges’ project director, I will take a moment to apologize for our lack of posts and communication in July. To be candid, life blindsided me with a tragic death in my family followed two weeks later by my husband’s sudden surgery for cancer. It has been a time of grieving and recovery for my family. If anything, this has reminded me that there’s so much we don’t control in life, to celebrate life somehow each day, to not get hung up by petty things, to listen, and make each encounter a wonderful one.

At the office here at ArtBridges we are slowly getting back to business.

In July, Lisa completed contact data entry of approximately 380 community arts projects, programs, organizations and resources across Canada, and Aurelia has been calling across Quebec communicating with Francophone community arts orgs. Our work will slowly resume. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

ArtBridges Project Director, Seanna Connell

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