Update from ArtHouse (Oakville) – Artbridges

Update from ArtHouse (Oakville)

Update from ArtHouse (Oakville)


Lately at ArtBridges/ToileDesArts I have been getting in contact with community arts programs projects, resources, organizations and services that we have already profiled to see what is new with them! Our goal is to keep in contact and spread the word about new events, training opportunities, workshops, interesting new project information, as well as needs/questions/issues; so that other community arts projects, programs, organizations, resources and services can possibly learn and benefit. So, please feel free to email us and let us know about anything new that is going on. I’d love to post about it! – Ania, ArtBridging Ontario Coordinator                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I know our template can work in other cities – so happy to share our story

ArtHouse is going magnificently – we implemented 4 cost-free after-school programs in late September – 2 NEW ArtHouse Junior Chef’s Ethnic Cooking Programs (in partnership with ActiveChefs.ca) and 2 ArtHouse Red Fish Blue Fish Visual Arts Programs (in partnership with Oakville Galleries)….each is fully subscribed with 20 children and each of the 4 programs is located in 4 different areas of Oakville – our mission is to take the programs into the community and make it easy for our participants to get to them (many may not have proper transportation, or are in families where both members are still working). This summer we had a hugely successful Camp ArtHouse (in partnership with Sheridan College) – 2 two-week Summer Camp programs which ran all day, with a theme of Music, Theatre Arts and Dance – for each camp the children under the leadership of two fantastic instructors (Randoff Academy of Dance Alumnae) prepared the children for their production of Little Shop of Horrors and Seussical all on the Theatre Sheridan Stage and in front of parents, siblings and grandparents – close to 80 children participated (approximately 40 per 2-week camp), along with the help of 13 volunteers.

This fall we are excited to launch ArtHouse at the Y – a 5-week Saturday Afternoon program entitled “ArtHouse off Broadway” – it will be a combination of Music, Theatre Arts and Enriched Fitness (effectively dance and lots of motion). This theme speaks to what the Y in Oakville wishes to incorporate into its programs – healthy programs but also the arts – we are flattered to be the organizing partner in this project. Once again,ArtHouse has some fantastic instructors lined up to make this happen. We also add that we will be focusing much of our attention on families that simply could not afford these wonderful programs if they were fee-related.

Finally, we have a wonderful event series (which used to be called Festival Quattro) called ArtHouse Festival Series – 4 events per year with invitations to performers from around the world to more local. On October 20th, I am delighted that we will be presenting Sheridan in Motion – a Glee type evening with the exceptional students from Sheridan’s Music Theatre Performance Program – music and dance that will take us back to the 60’s – it is also the first ever production off the Sheridan Campus and will be held at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts in Downtown Oakville.

So lots going on – and so many willing partners – including the Ontario Trillium Foundation tht presented us with a $95,000 2-year grant in July – what a huge anchor this is for sustainability – we also have RBC solidly behind us.”

– submitted by Don Pangman, Founder and Artistic Director of ArtHouse

To read ArtHouse’s profile and get their contact information click here.
Visit www.arthouseonline.org for more information!
Find ArtHouse on ArtBridges Google map.

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