Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 | 6:45/7:00PM – 9:00/9:30PM
Online using Zoom
FREE | Register via EventBrite
Featuring Panelists Fiya Bruxa, Claire Browne, and Danielle Hyde
Although more women and gender diverse muralists have become established and well-known artists over the years, mural art has traditionally been -and continues to be- a (mostly white) male dominated field full of barriers and challenges for gender diverse artists. How can we create more space for women and gender diverse creators to participate in street art culture? How can we help these artists tackle many of the barriers they face? Join Mural Routes and East End Arts for an afternoon of learning and brainstorming with some of the best artists in the street art world to jam on how to make our streets for everyone, and our Walls for All!
Building on the success of Bombing Misogyny from 2021, and our first iteration of Walls for All from December 2022, this next Walls for All session will gather women and gender diverse street artists again to share and discuss common issues faced while producing murals in the public realm. Walls for All Part 2 will share the Draft Action Plan that the panelists and lead organizations have put together based on the findings from our first session. Walls for All aims to build a more equitable, accessible, and inclusive street art sector for all gender marginalized artists, while also helping to build a network and/or support group or muralists who share similar experiences and struggles.
- Artists and creatives of all disciplines, creative space-makers, producers, arts workers and/or arts administrators who: Love working in the world of street art, mural making, or public art and want to share what they’ve learned over the years!
- Big Dreamers who want to connect with others who love bringing beauty to the public sphere;
- Folks who are looking for an opportunity to meet like-minded creatives from east Toronto and all across Canada!”
For more information, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/walls-for-all-pt-2-action-plan-tickets-558841298367 and https://muralroutes.ca/walls-for-all/“
-from Mural Routes