“What is belonging? How does it relate to arts and culture? And how can we strengthen belonging to each other and our communities? In 2017, Community Foundations of Canada and the Canadian Arts Presenting Association (CAPACOA) sought to answer these questions in Vital Signs: Arts & Belonging.
Building on this report and on subsequent research findings, this webinar will explore how arts and culture programs and venues make our communities better places to live by helping people connect through shared arts experiences.
The webinar is presented by Frédéric Julien, Director of Research and Development at CAPACOA. Frédéric has been active in the performing arts for several years as an artist, an arts administrator, a consultant, an advocate, and a change maker. He has been leading research and development activities at CAPACOA for the last nine years. He is a regular speaker and session facilitator at conferences throughout Canada. He also frequently facilitates online dialogues on the state of the performing arts sector as part of the Arts in Perspective series.”
For more information, please visit: https://www.culturedays.ca/organize/webinars
-from Culture Days