Webinar – Evaluative thinking: Building Cultures of Learning (Ontario Trillium Foundation) – Artbridges

Webinar – Evaluative thinking: Building Cultures of Learning (Ontario Trillium Foundation)

Webinar – Evaluative thinking: Building Cultures of Learning (Ontario Trillium Foundation)

“Join the Ontario Trillium Foundation for an online workshop with Julie Witmer, evaluation coach.

Is your organization looking to learn, reflect and adapt on a more frequent and timely basis? If so, join our online workshop with Julie Witmer on evaluative thinking!

Typically, organizations have used evaluation as an occasional management or accountability exercise. However, incorporating evaluative thinking into your day to day work leads to more meaningful learning cultures given the complex environments and pace of change most organizations operate in.

This workshop will introduce the concept of evaluative thinking and will be both theoretical and practical. The theoretical component will provide a background on evaluative thinking and some key concepts. Participants will also engage in practical exercises to assess the readiness and need for organizational evaluative thinking, as well as tools to help put these concepts into practice.”

For more information and to register for this webinar, visit the OTF’s eventbrite page.

-from the Ontario Trillium Foundation

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